Page 95 of Acquisition

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Atticus: No seriously what are you wearing?

Atticus: I keep thinking about you last night riding me. Reverse cowgirl suits you and I must tell you, I love the view.

Still no response. Fine. I had work to do anyway.

I’d managed to dig into the new contracts and sales research reports when Heidi Weiss walked into my office. She was Pierce’s head of investigations.

“What’s up Heidi?”

“Sorry to disturb, but Pierce is in the field and I was told to come to you directly if I found anything.”

I rolled my shoulders and leaned back in my seat. I liked Heidi. She was smart, loyal, and her mind worked at rapid fire. “What do you need?”

“I don’t need anything, but I thought you should know. The other Mr. Price, he’s got a private investigator looking into you.”

“Yes. I’m aware.” My father had been having me followed for months. Ever since he blackmailed me into giving up Gwen.

“Well, he’s stepped it up. He’s looking into Miss Becker’s movements, but, now has included full surveillance of the younger Miss Becker.”’

Fuck. “How much surveillance?”

“He’s digging into her school, and her internships, it looks like a full work up. I only noticed it because Pierce said to flag anything suspicious.”

I gave her a brusque nod. “Thanks. Good work. Do you have the file. I want to look through it.”

“Yep, here is the paper copy. I’ve already sent another one to your email.”

While I kept my face neutral, inside I was turbulence and turmoil. This was why I didn’t want Gwen and Morgan anywhere near this. I didn’t know why he was looking into Morgan but having her in his cross hairs was more than cause for concern.

I had to keep him away from her. A plan that utilized either of them was going to get them hurt. Pouring over the data my mind tried to find a solution that got the job done but left them out of it.

If we could get to the data without involving them, we’d also be that much closer to clearing my mother. Our plan hinged on knowing where he was going to be. So, I needed to find him if I wanted to give us the element of surprise.

I hit my intercom and called to my assistant. “Question, can you do a search on company meetings, see if anyone is meeting with my father this afternoon?”

Andrew’s voice was clear. “Yes, he’s meeting with Calvin Tatum at 3pm. La Table Ronde.”

“Thank you.” I checked the clock. Three hours. Could we do something in three hours? I had the guys. All I had to do was get Micah on it. But if we fucked up, we’d tip our hand. We’d only have one shot.

I wasn’t a fool though. I’d learned my lesson last time. I knew she was still out, but I called Gwen anyway.

* * *


I stood up at the table when I saw Micah walk in with Lakewood at La Table Ronde. My brother knew to take him into one of the back rooms for a drink. The back rooms had previously been used as smoking rooms, but now they were used for private meetings between members and guests.

Pierce and Gavin joined us, and Micah poured us all scotches. Lakewood finally took a seat and stared up at me. He looked like he belonged there. He was completely at ease in this dimly lit room with gray textured walls and a fireplace. He looked like he was one of us.

He could be one of you. He just had the good sense to leave earlier.

"Let's have it, Atticus. What is this?"

My brother sat down with a look of disapproval on his face. "Isn't it obvious, Lakewood? My idiot brother is about to break a promise."

Lakewood narrowed his gaze on me. "You're going to divorce Gwen?"

I frowned. "No. Of course not. We’re just going to deal with my father without her." I’d called her three times and left messages. But still nothing.

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