Page 86 of Acquisition

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"You are getting a spanking for this."

"I'm not letting you spank me." She said that, but there was a dancing light in her eyes.

My wife wanted a spanking did she? "Are you sure?”

“Only if you let me spank you first." Then she added a little squeeze of my dick to make me groan.

"Okay, okay, I won't spank you." Liar.

"Now, if you spank me because it's fun, fair enough. But you're not punishing me. Do we understand each other, Mr. Price?" She angled her hand so that her thumb brushed over the tip of my cock.

"Fuck, yes! We have a deal. I won't punish you."

"Good." She pulled her hand back on her lap.

What the hell? Such a little cock tease, and I was putty in her hands. "Fuck. You're such a goddamn tease."

"I know. But I'm your wife. You get to fuck me anytime you want."

That was so goddamn sexy, only because it was her.

The driver merged, and we exited the freeway, following along the winding road down to Old Town and then to the gated communities on the other side of the island. Ten minutes later, he keyed in our code, and we pulled up to the house my mother was staying in.

Rowan gave me a nod. "You guys took long enough. I guess you're enjoying your honeymoon?"

Gwen smiled at him shyly. "Hi, Rowan."

"Mrs. Price."

She beamed a smile at him. "You know, I actually like the sound of that."

I placed my hand on her ass and kissed her shoulder. "Good, because it's the only name you're going to use for the rest of your life."

Her gaze searched mine as if she was looking for something. "Not yet."

I frowned. "What?"

"Not yet. When we go back, I'm still Gwen Becker."

I hadn't thought of that, but she was right. "We'll deal with that one when we get there. For now, you are Mrs. Price."

My mother came around from the back garden and grinned when she saw us. "Ah, the happy couple."

I still couldn't believe how different she was. Her eyes were clear, and her smile was bright. She was beyond lucid. She was back to normal. Whatever the fuck normal was. She seemed like her old self.

I watched her warily, assessing. "Mom, you look well."

"I keep trying to tell Rowan and your meddlesome brother that I feel great. It must be the island air, but I'd love to eventually make it back home."

"Summer is coming, and you know what summer in the city is like. Hot and sweltering, and too many people packed on an island. Here you have room to breathe and ocean breezes."

"I do love the holiday. But aren't you two going back?"

"Yeah, we are."

Gwen was watching me watching my mother. "Why don't we all head inside?" she said, directing us inside the bungalow.

My mother headed for the kitchen, but Gwen shooed her away. "I can manage things. I'll make everyone some iced tea. You and Atticus sit. You haven't seen him in weeks."

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