Page 109 of Acquisition

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He surprised me by shaking his head. “Actually, no. I've known you a long time, Gwen, and I've never seen you like this. Open and free and growing. Seriously growing. Sure, every relationship changes you, but I see you changing, realizing that you deserve more, and that's growth. And you wouldn't have had that growth without Atticus. Granted you had it because he's a dumbass, but he loves you in a way that no one else has before. And maybe you won't work it out, but I think you should give the guy a chance. One more shot. Because I've never seen you like this, and you deserve to be loved wholly, fully, by someone who will move mountains for you. Of course, he needs to learn to let you decide which mountain and when to move it.”


“Hold on. I am asking you to give him a shot because the thought of losing you made him into a mess. And I know that if he doesn't survive this, you won't survive either. The two of you are joined in this inexplicable way. Just think about it.”

“Who in their right mind would've thought you would be championing Atticus Price?” I asked in astonishment.

“I know. Maybe he’s the right guy for you. They must be making snowballs in hell. Think about it. That's all I'm saying.”

“Okay, I will.”

“Now the question is, are you ready for tomorrow?" he asked. “The whole world's going to know exactly who you are.”

“You know what? For once, I want them to. I want everybody to see me.”

It was going to be a doozie.

Chapter 43


I’d thought that when this day finally came, I would feel something. Nervousness, anticipation, the definitive rush of being right. Of winning. Of having this finally be over once and for all. Instead, I was numb. Gwen had been making herself scarce for the last few days, and when sheer desperation made me go to visit her at the Faulkner Building, she hadn’t been there.

Around the office, she was always busy. Which made sense because the algorithm release was coming up and she was making the final updates to our software. So she was legitimately busy, but I knew she was also avoiding me. Which I totally deserved.

When all ten board members were seated with me at the head of the table and Micah to my right, I called the meeting to order. But just as I began speaking, the door opened and in strolled my father, full of swagger and bullshit.

"You weren't going to start without me, were you?"

"We have ten members present, so we have a quorum."

"But this is a very vital meeting,” he said sarcastically. “My shares are required for today's vote, aren't they? And I'll be voting your mother's shares as well."

I knew differently, but I didn't say anything. I didn’t want to telegraph what was really going to happen.

"We have several matters to discuss today,” I began as I turned my attention back to the assembled board members. “On the agenda, you'll see an item regarding the CEO of the company. Even though this very same board gave Lucian Price a vote of no confidence three years ago, my understanding is that some members of the board believe that I should now be replaced. And we'll vote on that at the end of this meeting. In the interim, we have a few other items to discuss."

These meetings could be long and tedious, depending on who wanted to argue which point at what time. But I deliberately wanted to stretch this one out and give Gwen as much time as she needed. It would have greater effect if she walked in right on time. Also, Pierce said the detectives would be coming at 10:30. So everything was timed to happen right before then.

I efficiently went through every item on the agenda, including the acquisition of the R&D arm of Becks Incorporated, the new team integration, the financials, and every other aspect of the takeover. The time hit 10:15, and the door opened.

Everyone but Micah turned to see who was interrupting the meeting. My brother just gave me a conspiratorial smile. It was showtime.

Gwen walked in, and my father scowled when he saw her. "We don't need coffee, girl."

"Good to know, but I believe the coffee service is right in front of you, so you can stand up and get it yourself if you change your mind."

He blinked at her as if he couldn't believe she had the nerve to talk to him like that, but I couldn't believe he'd had the nerve to talk to any woman, let alone my wife, like that. Hell, was this really the man who had raised me?

He was barely around. Your mother raised you.

When Gwen stepped forward and he could see who was behind her, his eyes nearly bugged right out of his head. "What is the meaning of this?" he asked, dumbfounded.

My mother stood tall, bright-eyed, and alert, and my father sputtered, "Jessica, what the fuck?"

Several board members started to murmur.

Calvin Tatum leaned over to my father and whispered, "Lucian, is everything all right?"

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