Page 101 of Acquisition

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I shook my head at her. "Morgan."

She held onto it though, smiling as someone passed. "Look Gwen, all I'm saying is I understand you. It's not fair. Your whole life you thought you had to take care of me, and I know that's led you to make decisions about Dad and yourself, and it made you feel like you didn't have a say in your own life. But I’m an adult now, and I want you to stop doing that. And yes, Atticus fucked up. But he's your husband now."

"And he'll stay my husband if it means that you stay protected. I’m just saying I don't think he’s good for me."

She studied me closely. "Honey, you can’t be surprised he’s like that, though. You knew he was domineering and that he was going to struggle with letting go of control. You knew he was going to try and take over."

"I know. And I was completely naive before. When I started to fall for him and had those little doubts, those moments where I thought I was being sucked up by him, I told myself those things didn't matter. He was taking care of me and giving me room and seeing me. Right up until he makes decisions for me. And that's not the kind of life I want."

My sister sighed. "But you're happy with him and miserable without him."

"True. But I can't sit around waiting for him to choose what my life looks like. Making a promise one moment and breaking it the next because it's convenient. I want someone who's a partner. Being with him now has made me see that. We just have to get through tonight, get through the board vote, and then I need to make some decisions. And maybe it's time for me to walk away from Pendragon. And Atticus."

"I don't?—"

A voice behind me cut Morgan off. "Just the woman I've been looking for."

The cold, icy prickle of fight-or-flight response danced up my spine, forcing me to make a decision before I knew exactly what the fear was. I whipped around to find Bronson Jacobson right behind me. "What the hell do you want?"

"What I want, is a little retribution,” he said, grabbing my arm. “Do you know that you cost me seventeen fucking million dollars?" He spat the words at me complete with spittle and everything.

I took the napkin I was holding and dabbed my face. "First of all, back the fuck away from me. How dare you spit in my face? Second, I don't know what you're talking about so you need to let go of my arm."

He just gripped harder.

Morgan tripped trying to get between me and him and ended up throwing her glass of champagne right in his face.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry. I'm not used to walking in heels. Jesus."

She grabbed onto him as if trying to steady herself, forcing him off balance, and he had to let go of me if he didn't want to fall down in front of everyone at the gala.

Morgan teetered backward, and I caught her. She gave me a broad wink as she straightened up. "I'm so sorry, Bronson."

He glowered at her. "Are you daft?"

He took a step toward Morgan, and I stepped between them. "You will not touch my sister. Do you understand, you piece of filth?"

He raised a hand to point in my face, and that's when I saw Pierce and Rowan flanking him. "Mr. Jacobson, it's time to go."

His eyes went wide with fear as his head whipped around. "I'm allowed to be here. I have an invitation. I'm talking to my ex. We're having a perfectly comfortable conversation."

Pierce's gaze never left mine. He looked calm and steady. Rowan, ever watchful didn't look nearly as calm, but he did look solid. "I thought we made it clear that you were never to contact Ms. Becker again."

"We are in a public place. You can't stop me from talking to her."

Rowan stepped in a little closer. And he whispered something I couldn't hear to Bronson, who then blanched.

He backed away, and I said. "Don't ever come near me again." I turned to Pierce and scowled when Jacosbon stumbled away. "Leave him be. We have enough to deal with right now."

Pierce nodded, his gaze drifting to the corner of the room that I dared not look at.

I couldn't look at him. Because every time I did, my heart broke just a little. And I couldn't take it. One little promise broken in a moment. He didn't even think about how it would affect me.

Rowan nodded at Morgan. "What's up little Gwen? You ready?"

She nodded. "I was born ready."

Pierce winced. "Don't do anything stupid."

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