Page 102 of Acquisition

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She rolled her eyes. "Jesus, you are just a bucket of fun."

He shook his head at her, keeping his gaze ever watchful.

"Morgan, just do as he says,” I warned. “Okay?"

"Okay, okay. Let's do it. Anyone know where the asshole Mr. Price is? Wait, let me distinguish, the elder asshole Mr. Price."

Rowan gave her a broad grin.

Pierce, however, was all business and in no mood to play. "He's just at the entryway to the ballroom. At your nine o'clock."

Morgan started to turn, but Pierce shook his head at her. "Don't look at him. Once you get your signal, just move. Once you have the phone, keep going and don't stop until you get to Lakewood. Gwen, go the opposite direction and meet Lakewood in the third floor restrooms. You guys do your magic. Atticus and Micah will take care of the rest."

I swallowed hard. "Right. Atticus and Micah."

Pierce gave me a nod. "You can do this."

"Yeah, I wish Atticus knew that."

He sighed. "He does, he's just an idiot sometimes."

I very deliberately took in the room around us. The women in the glittering ball gowns, the bright pops of color, the sea of black and white tuxedos. Some of those had pops of color too in the bow ties or in the small embellishments. And like a homing beacon, my gaze found Atticus in the crowd. Looking beautiful, as always, his jawline carved from ice as he nodded to whomever he was speaking to. A dark-skinned man with a close-cropped haircut and Tom Ford tuxedo. The man was talking animatedly to him, and Atticus was listening intently. And then a beautiful blonde approached wearing a strapless red gown made of glitter that reminded me of Jessica Rabbit.

I scowled when she put her hand on his arm, and as I stared a bit longer and she turned toward the light I realized it was Lucy.

I glowered at her, and Rowan stepped directly in my path. "Focus on what you're doing."

"Focus? My husband's got a groupie, and you want me to focus."

Pierce didn't even look. "Whoever is trying to hang on him right now, he's not paying attention to them. You're his only concern."

That was the last thing on earth I wanted to hear because it made me feel crazy. Like I was a fool for being so angry with him for trying to protect me.

But I knew deep down if I didn't take a stand that he would continue making unilateral decisions without me. I would never be his partner.

Never be his equal. And I couldn't have that.

And maybe Lucy was the kind of woman he wanted by his side. One who would do as she was told, one who would follow directions and follow the leader.

That could never be me. Maybe she was better for him.

Pierce snapped his fingers in front of my face. "Earth to Gwen. Are you ready?"

I blinked rapidly. "Sorry. Yes, I’m ready."

"Good, because you're up."

I turned around to find my sister was already gone. I watched with trepidation as she made the approach. My instinct to protect her was strong and immediate, and I knew this is what Atticus felt. But unlike him, I was going to let her do what she had to. She wanted to help, and this was something she could manage.

I counted the seconds, and Pierce gave me a nod as he, Rowan, and I laughed at some supposed joke. I acted like I was excusing myself and then went in the exact opposite direction of my sister. My stride was sure, determined.

Just as I reached the exit, a woman passed by me then turned. "Oh my gosh, I remember you. You are Atticus's fiancée, right?"

My gut twisted just looking at her. "Right. What was your name again?"

Her brow furrowed, and she murmured, “Lucy."

"Yes, I'm so sorry. I met a lot of people that night. How are you?"

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