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I was dressed to the nines in my cutout dress, flashy Louboutin patent heels with the signature red soles and a matte red lip to match. I was on fire, but I was so cold. Looking like this, attracting men would be a cinch. I couldn't disappear.

Except I don't have the energy to give a damn.

I picked a loose draping half shawl to use as a jacket even though I'd be freezing. I wanted to be the most stunning person in the room to spite my broken heart. I even got my hair done at the salon; perfect cascading waves and three curls lying neatly against my forehead. The vintage style made me feel elegant and in sync with the greatest design accomplishment in my career.

After tonight, I could put everything behind me. As soon as my contract was fulfilled, no more Raphael Teresse. Ever again.

This is it, almost there.

The cab pulled up to the curb, and I stepped out into the icy wind. Shell and I linked elbows and walked through the doors into a wall of noise. The party was already in full swing.

Formal announcements were in an hour, then I was free of my obligation to Experience; to Raph.

Judging by the way the men eyed us when we walked in, keeping myself lost in the crowd might be easier than I originally thought. I could find someone to wile away the minutes with. People were already closing in on.

After a few minutes of meeting and greeting, I swore to Shell I would be okay, so we split off. Shell spotted a man across the room. I laughed, shaking my head as she headed straight to him. The girl would never change, and I was glad. She was my best friend.

I mingled. I accepted compliments left and right and even stopped to converse with a few good-looking guys. Who am I?

As the evening wore on, though, the light chats started wearing me down, and I lost the motivation to play the field. It didn't feel okay. Not yet.

Just get through tonight, Lia.

The head contractor was on stage with polite applause and tapped the mic to start his speech. That meant Raph must already be in the building.


I'm doing great.

Almost done.

So close.

Only a few more minutes.

I got called on for recognition, where I gave a smile, a wave, and a nod to the clapping people around me. Cameras flashed, and I smiled pretty. It was an out-of-body experience. Then they were on to the next person, and I could finally breathe.

"And now we'd like to bring up the man himself! Mr. Raphael Teresse!"

I edged toward the back. I could sneak out unnoticed if I made it backstage without attracting anyone's attention. Raph was a legend. He was young, attractive, single. What would he be without a little notoriety? His wild eyes never failed to get people talking. And I couldn't blame those who whispered. I'd been captive in that draw for over a decade.

Try as I might, I couldn't steal into the inky night without catching one more glimpse of the man who broke my heart into a zillion pieces. I stood in the shadows, waiting for him to take the stage.

Raph climbed the stairs, welcomed by thunderous cheering applause. He stood back, waiting for the room to calm down while he waved, nodded, and smiled. He was so gorgeous I forgot to breathe. Get out now, before it's too late. Before he sees me.

I knew if we made eye contact, the last of the stubborn strength holding my shit together would crumble to nothing.

I opened the back door with a damning thunk just as Raph started his speech. Through a gap in the curtain, from across the stage, our gazes locked. He was a shadowy outline from the lights shining down, documenting his latest success.

He stared right into me with a flash of pain that went on a moment too long, or did my brain make that up?

The door slammed closed behind me as I ran from Experience Shoreview and Raphael Teresse as fast as my legs could take me.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


She left. She didn't want to talk to me. A cold sweat bloomed, and a lead weight lurched in my stomach.

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