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"Sure. Be right back."

Shell and I walked back to the site to get the rental car. The craftsman commissioned for the furniture worked out of a studio about ten miles from the site.

Old fashioned work came from old-fashioned people, and I loved that. There were no restrictions barring me from the highest quality. When I could separate the job from the man, I could still see all the good in it.

When we walked into the studio, the older gentleman stood back, letting us see the pieces. I was blown away. Not only was he done a few days early, but the work exceeded my expectations.

"These are stunning, sir. Thank you for all your hard work."

"Pleasure's mine, miss. Think the guy'll like 'em?"

"Absolutely. Shell, do you want to arrange for these to get delivered as soon as possible?"

"Already on it," she said, tapping out a message on her phone.

Ahead of schedule on a tight timeline. I couldn't believe it. I'd get another bonus. And Raph would be pleased with the quality.

Experience Shoreview was a mirror of his vision. It was spectacular. He'd be thrilled to see it done early, especially since he hadn't been in to see the progress since we got underway. If he had, he made it a point to miss me. Good, because I didn't want to see him, either. It would snap the frayed threads holding me together.

But he must have been in at some point, since there were posted accommodations for staff interviews. I turned away from Shell and the craftsman, blinking rapidly. I wasn't crying here; I was more professional than that.

I thought Raph cared for me, the way he looked at me, how he kissed me where we first met, that whole day… Where had it all gone? It wasn't just in my head. No one could turn their emotions off like a switch.

Shell was gushing about the quality of the pieces. Hand carved tables and chairs, wall accents, and frames for grand bathroom mirrors. Every single pieces followed the plan's directions precisely.

Before we left, Shell worked out a quick contract for repairs and replacement rights, and put in a call for the delivery. That was her specialty, and the reason she was on the Experience Shoreview team even though it wasn't a Design Everything endeavor.

When Derrick heard I was back on the project, he offered me my job back. I declined, though. The money I was earning from Experience Shoreview would carry me a long time. I could figure out my next step in the meantime.

Shell and I climbed back in the car to get back to the site. My role in the project was over, and I feared my upcoming downtime. Busy was good; time alone with my thoughts was not.

"You know, there are probably going to be really good-looking guys at the project party. You're coming, right?"

"I have to. It's in my contract. Something about media coverage."

"Oh… well, good. I'll be your wing-woman, if you want."

I didn't reply, I was too numb. Shell knew I'd shoot her down, anyway.

I'd get over this, eventually. So what if Raph was literally the man of my dreams my whole life? There were others, and if he taught me anything, it was that I was desirable. Maybe I should let Shell set me up after all.

"I could wear the dress I got for the dinner with Raph."

"Yeah! There you go. We're done for the day. Did you want to do something tonight?"

"No, it's okay. You don't have to stay home for me. I'm fine. Go do whatever you have planned."

My eyes stayed fixed in the distance even as we pulled back into the lot. Shell leaned in, gave me a quick squeeze, then got out of the car. I followed, completely wrung out.

I told the head contractor that the furniture was getting delivered and placed tomorrow, and he said he'd call if there were any issues they needed me to address. I'd check in come the afternoon, but that was it.

The time spent planning went by in the blink of an eye, but these weeks without Raph dragged on forever.

My dreams left me.

I packed my stuff and headed for home, dejected and exhausted. I needed reprieve. I'd try to have a good time at the party next weekend and go from there. If I could avoid Raph, then maybe, just maybe, I'd get through.

When the day of the celebration arrived, I had convinced myself I was okay. I could do this. I could return to my life after one more night of Experience. The safe, comfortable life I had before Raphael showed up and put everything I knew into a blender and hit pulse. Well, kind of. I didn't have a job anymore.

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