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Carson admits, “It felt good to be back on my bike. It’s just been hellishly busy at the office these last few months.”

“Yeah, I know. What with Carter gone and Chaser here getting hitched, I’m sure you’ve been busy.”

“Hey, I’m still working my regular hours. That’s going to change soon, though,” I interject.

“I thought you’d be wanting to change your hours. Who are you going to ask to take your place?”

“I thought maybe Hawkins. He did a damn fine job while I was away for training. He even mentioned he enjoyed working nights.”

“Hawkins is a good man. I think that’s a great idea.”

Spitfire comes out from behind the bar and asks, “Came over to meet the missus.”

“Val, this is Spitfire. You can normally find him tending the bar here.”

“Nice to meet you, Val. Can I get you something to drink?”

“I’ll take whatever you have on tap.”

“Make that two. You know what I like, Spitfire. Thanks.”

The older man shakes Val’s hand and then goes to fill our order.

Val looks at Carson, “Mask, is that what you named your bike?”

I answer for Carson, “It’s short for Masquerade, and he refuses to tell us the story behind the name.”

“A guy has to have some secrets. Chaser here just added an ‘R’ and named his bike Chaser. Not very original.”

“But it works. I wanted to name it Knight Rider, but it’s a bike, not a car, and besides, Rider was already taken.”

“So Val, when you get a bike, what will you name it?”

“Oh, I’m not getting a bike. I’m perfectly content to ride and not drive a motorcycle.”

Sam shakes his head at Val’s comment. He laughs and says, “That’s what they all say. We’ll see how long it takes before Chaser has you driving instead of riding.”

“Sam, um— Shadow, I already told you. It’s not gonna happen.”



I look around at the circle of motorcycles and people. We’re all here to take our Basic Rider Course (BRC). We have to take and pass the BRC before we can legally ride a motorcycle. Once we pass the course, we can then have the motorcycle endorsement added to our driver’s license.

We’re in a huge parking lot with orange cones placed strategically. I look at the others who have signed up for this class. You can pick out the newbies like me, and then there are some younger people who look like they are already familiar with motorcycles.

How in the world did I allow Chase to talk me into this? I would much rather be on the back of his bike, holding on tightly to him.

Then I remembered he didn’t play fair. He caught me at a vulnerable moment. I told him I didn’t want a motorcycle and preferred riding behind him. He said taking this course would teach me how to ride safely behind him. It sounded logical at the time. He also had a point that if something happened, he’d feel better knowing I could legally drive a motorcycle.

I foolishly agreed. I’m sure that asking me between kisses while he had me flat on my back had nothing to do with my agreement. Only I know that I would have agreed to anything as long as he would hurry up and take me already. It was the night we got back from the Wild Riders club. That man loves to drive me crazy with his on-purpose, slow love-making. I smile, as it was definitely worth the wait.

I suddenly realize that I’ve been daydreaming about my sexy husband instead of paying attention to the instructor. Darn it. I shake off thoughts of Chase and listen to what the instructor is saying.

I look down at the lightweight bike they provide with the course, along with the assigned helmet.

“The hardest part, besides learning the clutch, is how to master turning your bike. Just turning the handlebars won’t do it. You have to use your weight to lean your bike into a turn.” As he gets a few worried looks, he smiles. “Don’t worry, you’ll get the hang of it with practice.”

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