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“What did you do with your eyes?”

“It’s called a smokey eye look. Do you like it?”

“I freaking love it! Like I said, you look hot.”

“What do you think of my boots?”

“Boots? You’re wearing boots?”

I hear her tinkle of laughter as she puts her hands on my chest and softly pushes away from me. She then steps back and gestures to her feet. I force my eyes down to her footwear and blink. She has on black boots that lace up the front and end right below her knees.

“Even your boots look sexy, Val. You’re a turn-on.”

My eyes slowly make their way back up her lush curves until I see her smiling eyes and dimples.

“Chase, you are so good for my ego.”

“I just call ’em like I see ’em, Babe.”

I take her back into my arms, and this time, my hands land on her backside, and I grab her ass and pull her against me so she can see that I’m not lying.

I groan as she rubs herself enticingly against me.

“You know, I think it’s cruel for you to dress like that when I haven’t had you in my bed in almost a week.”

“You’re the one who’s had to work nights.”

“Yeah, and I told Carson today that I’m going to re-work my schedule. I don’t like us working such different shift times.”

“I’m sorry, I can typically work from home, but with all the issues we’ve been having with the software, I’ve had to go into the office.”

“I know. I just want you in my bed.” I lean down and nuzzle under her ear as I whisper, “We should be able to leave early tonight.”

I feel her shiver at my words. I give her one more swift kiss, and then I reluctantly turn her toward the door.

“Do you have a jacket?”

“Yes.” She grabs it and a small black purse with a long strap and walks ahead of me to the door.

“I’d cancel, but then Carson might never reschedule. He’s always busy. He works too hard as it is.”

When I get to my bike, I hand her a helmet. I get on first, and then Val climbs on behind me. She feels good against my back. I rev the engine and head toward the road. Soon, we’re roaring down the highway toward the Wild Riders club.

When we get there, I pull up to the front and wave at the regulars who like to ‘shoot the shit’ as they call it out front and watch everybody who comes in and out of the bar.

“Hey there, Chaser. Heard you got hitched. Is this your old lady?”

“Now we know why you haven’t been around, Boy.”

I put my hand possessively around Val’s waist and then turn toward the small group of men.

“This is my wife, Val Knight. Val, we call everybody by their bike names around here. Kind of like a nickname. This is Rider, Chief, and Hawk.”

Val gives a friendly wave, and then I walk her to the door of the club. I keep my arm around Val as we enter, and I look around for Carson and my uncle. I spot them at a booth. I wave to Spitfire, the bartender, and vice president of the club behind the bar, and then walk over to join my family members.

Sam gets up as we approach and walks over to join Carson on his side. Val slides into the booth, and then I sit down beside her.

My uncle comments, “I was just telling Mask how good it was to see his face around here. It’s been a while.”

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