Page 15 of The Last Knight

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Marcy’s moans jolt me back to the present. She’s still asleep as she rolls over and snuggles with another pillow. The sound sends an electrical current straight to my cock. I jump from the bed then take a step back. I can’t go there with her. She’s Matthew’s baby sister and here I am getting a hard on from a small moan escaping her lips. Running my hands down my face, I decide to put some space between us.

Walking into the en suite, the lights illuminate as I take a closer look in the mirror.

“I’m too old for her, too damaged. She has no business being with someone like me.” If i say it enough maybe it will sink into my thick skull and I can stop obsessing over her.

I glance back at her in the bed, then determine I need to get rid of this tension building in my mind. Shutting the bathroom door, I remove my clothing and step into a steaming hot shower. Maybe this wasn’t the best decision because now all I can think about is Marcy wet and naked in my arms.

“Fuck!” I mutter. “Pull yourself together,” I say to myself. “She’s just another woman, nothing special.” But the instant the words are out, I want to reel them back in. She is special. Arguably the most special woman I know. And there lies the problem that makes this decision so difficult.

If I’m honest with myself, I’ve always been intrigued by her. I’m not saying that I liked an underaged girl, but we always got along. There was this coolness between us, therefore I never minded when she would join Matthew and me to hang out. She was always so witty and funny, forever keeping us entertained. I smile thinking back to that little red-headed spit fire. It’s true what they say, gingers are impulsive and have fiery tempers, as she proved so eloquently tonight.

The hot water splashes off my face as I submerge myself under the spray trying to rid my mind of images of Marcy but, if anything, it’s making the thoughts more pronounced. Sighing in frustration, I quickly wash up then step out from the shower.

I pull on some shorts then brush my teeth before returning to the bedroom. As I turn off the light, I see Marcy shifted in the bed causing her black lace panties to peak out of the covers. I have to bite my lip to keep from groaning at the sight. She is perfection wrapped in satin sheets. I feel like this is a test I need to pass but am bound to fail. Instead of joining her in bed, I get as comfortable as I can in a chair across the room. This way I can be here if she needs something in the middle of the night but far enough away from the temptation.

I rest my head against the chair and drift off with images of her looking up at me while I was carrying her.

Chapter 10


Before I open my eyes I feel a throbbing behind them reminding me that I drank entirely way too much last night. Groaning from the pain, I crack my eyes open, I’m met with an intense light coming from the window. I guess I forgot to draw my curtains last night. A frustrated sigh leaves my lips.

As I pull the sheet away from my body, I feel the silky, satin feeling brushing against my fingers. Even with my mind still riddled with sleep, I know in an instance that this isn’t my bed. I shoot up quickly but my legs have other ideas. I wobble around until I get to the nightstand leaning over it, catching my balance. As I brace myself on the table I see the glass of water sitting there, probably for me. What if it has poison in it? Or a date rape drug? What if I was– Oh fuck, I push off to a standing position as panic begins to form in my throat. I look all around the room and know for a fact that I have never been here in my life. Was I kidnapped? Did some villain bring me to their lair to do unspeakable things to me? Fuck. I look down at my body and realize that my clothes have been replaced by a man’s shirt. Pulling it up quickly, I see my panties are still in place. I don’t know why but it gives me some sense of calm.

Glancing around the large room, I see my dress draped across a desk in the corner. With no sign of the perpetrator in question, I dash to the desk to put on my dress and boots. I race to the door just as I hear footsteps approaching. Think fast, Marcy. I look around the room for a weapon and grab the closest thing I can find, a large book. It’s the best shot I have.I knew those crime documentaries would pay off eventually. I remembered how one victim managed to get away and that’s exactly what I’m going to do. This man won’t know what hit him, literally.

The steps are right at the door and before he sees me I lunge at him with the book over my head, ready to strike him. I don’t see his face. I only concentrate on getting in good hits before he tries to take me down.

“Take that you, perv. You won’t take me alive!” I scream at him when I jump on his back striking him in all directions. The man is moving around like a wild bronco and I’m doing my best to hang on for dear life.

“What the fuck are you doing?” he shouts as he tries to pull me free from his back but I slap his hands away. This fucker isn’t taking me down. I’m going to John Cena his ass.

“You won’t get away with this. I’m a secret spy and I know jiu jitsu. You can’t take me.” I slip from his back and right as I’m about to strike him again he looks at me with blood trailing down his face. Instantly, I drop the book to my feet and step back. Putting my hand over my mouth, the memories from last night begin surfacing in my mind. It was Samuel that brought me back to his place and I just beat the shit out of him. I don’t know whether I should run or try and salvage the situation.

“What the hell, Marcy?” he asks as he brushes his fingers along the cut on his face, wincing from the pain.

“I-uh, I didn’t know it was you,” I answer quietly as I wring my hands together in front of me. I know the color has drained from my face. Never in a million years did I ever think I would be in Samuel Knight’s penthouse, much less waking up in his bed.

“Yeah that part was obvious. Did you seriously think I would let someone else take you home last night?” he asks as his eyes bore into mine. He is not happy at the moment and I don’t blame him but I have no idea how to make this situation any better.

“I didn’t remember that part, until…” I gulp. “Until I saw your face. I thought you were going to hurt me,” I whisper as I put my hands over my eyes. I want this situation to go away. If I hadn’t jumped to conclusions none of this would have happened. However, he could have left a note identifying himself for when I woke up alone. So this is partly his fault too. Maybe I do watch too many crime shows. I just manhandled my childhood crush. Although, I have to admit I did a pretty good job for the large beast of a man he is. Marcy this isn’t the time to be giving yourself a pat on the back. Damage control is needed.

“I’m sorry. Here.” I take his hand in mine and lead him to the bathroom I saw earlier. “Let me clean you up.” I wince at all the blood dripping onto his white shirt. Man, I’ve made a mess of things.

He follows along to the bathroom but once we are inside he says, “You don’t have to clean this up. I can do it myself,” he grunts as he reaches for a wash cloth. I roll my eyes and turn on the lights. Whoa, he looks even worse in the light. Hopefully he can come up with a better story than he got beaten up by a girl. I was wondering why he wasn’t fighting back but at the time I thought I had rendered him speechless. For fuck’s sake what am I going to do with myself?

“Stop being this big macho man and let me take care of you. It’s my fault you’re like this to begin with. I really am sorry, Sam.” I cast my eyes down as I grab the cloth running it under warm water. “Can you sit on the edge of the tub? I can’t reach you.” He nods and perches on the edge bringing me eye level with him. I can’t get over how drastically different our heights are. I mean he was always tall but I don’t ever remember him being like a giant to me. I admit the muscles definitely have something to do with it.

With one hand on his shoulder for balance, I take the other with the cloth and begin cleaning all the areas that need attention. He winces when I hit a particularly deep cut and I immediately jump back. I can’t stand the thought of hurting him more than I already have.

“I’m fine, Marcy. You can keep going,” he murmurs, making the hairs on my neck stand at attention. His voice is so sexy, when it’s directed toward me it’s damn near irresistible. Letting out a breath, I step forward to continue washing his face.

“Um, where is your medical kit? You need a couple bandages.” I rinse the cloth and watch as the red drains into the sink. Guilt rises in my throat as I watch all the red swirl around.

“Marcy?” Sam shakes me from my thoughts.

“Huh? Yeah?” I look up to him as he places a piece of my hair behind my ear. It takes everything in me not to lean into his touch.

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