Page 14 of The Last Knight

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“Want to tell me what’s going on, princess?” She plays with the hem of her shirt as she shakes her head.

“Hmm… well, if you aren’t going to tell me then I guess you need to get to the basement.”

Her face shoots up looking at me quizzically. “What? Why?” Her expression makes me chuckle.

“Because we got a new game today that I think you would like.” I shrug my shoulders.

“Okay? And you want me to play with you?” She looks at me skeptically.

“Yep.” I jump up from the floor, grabbing her hand along the way. “Beat you down there!” I roar in laughter taking two steps at a time.

“Hey! Your legs are longer!” She sprints down then jumps over the back of the couch plopping herself down without me.

Chuckling, I land beside and grab our controllers.

“So, what’s this new game called?”

“Mortal Kombat! It will definitely take your mind off things.” I wiggle my eyebrows at her which always makes her laugh. This time is no different. Her laughter echoes through the basement, making me pleased that at least she’s not crying any longer.

“So, how do I play this?” She looks at the controller like it’s an alien.

“First off, there are combo moves which you will have to remember.” She rolls her eyes.

“Just start the game, I’ll figure it out.” With my interest piqued, I start it up. I guess throwing her into the deep end will force her to swim, right?

With just a few games under her belt, she’s beating me. The only excuse I can come up with is sorcery. She’s spamming all the buttons at the same time. There’s no rhyme or reason to her madness but dammit if she isn’t kicking my ass.

“Slow down there, princess. These guys aren’t fighting you in real life.”

“I’m pretending your character is this guy from school. So, I’m having a great time kicking his butt!” she chuckles but I can see the sadness in her eyes. I pause the game to see if she will talk to me this time.

“Hey! I was just about to knock him out!” she whines as she flops back against the couch.

“So, are you going to tell me what got you so upset earlier?”

“Why do you care?”

“Because I need to know who’s ass I’ll be beating tonight, princess.” She laughs, but I’m only partially kidding. People don’t make Marcy cry and get away with it.

“It’s stupid.” She fidgets with her hands then looks back up at me with fresh tears in her eyes. “Do you think someone will like me when I get older?”

“Of course I do! They would be stupid not to. Why do you ask?” She shrugs her shoulders to get away but I won’t let her. She always runs when things get hard but she’s not running from me. I pull her back, making her collapse on my chest. She scrambles up but stays seated.

“This guy said that I would be alone forever and that no one would want me.” She wipes a tear away but continues, “It’s not like I like him or anything but his words made me think that maybe he’s right.” Her emerald eyes shine up at me waiting for an answer.

“Listen to me, when the time is right everything will fall into place. You will find your prince, I promise.” I boop her nose making her laugh. I love the melody.

She throws her arms around me tightly, giving me a hug.

“Thank you, Sam. You always know what to say to make me feel better.”

“I try, princess.” I rub her back in soothing circles until she looks back up at me.

“You always smell so good.” Her admission seems to shock her but before I can respond she’s standing and rushing up the stairs.

“Thanks for everything, Sam. I’ve got to do my homework!”

I laugh as I shake my head. That girl is going to be a handful for whoever is lucky enough to have her.

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