Page 11 of The Last Knight

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I knew the second she entered the rooftop terrace. There was a shift in the air and then there she was, glowing in all her beauty for everyone to see. People flocked to her as soon as she stepped off the elevator. The gorgeous redhead that has held my heart all these years is here, so close yet so far.

I grab my drink from the bartender and walk around the balcony until I’m mostly shrouded from view. I want to be able to stare at her without the distractions of others. Her smile ignites something inside me that I thought was long dead. Her picturesque auburn hair tumbles down her back the way it used to when she was younger. I’ve always loved her hair. My fingers used to itch to feel the ringlets wrapped around my fingers. It’s gotten longer over the years, almost reaching her voluptuous ass. Marcy’s luminous fair skin shines bright enough to dim everyone around her. Her curves filled out so beautifully and the confidence surrounding her is like a drug. She walks with a composure she didn’t use to possess.

I move along in the shadows in order to keep my eyes on her. I find myself smiling along with her, it’s contagious. When was the last time I truly smiled? The guilt that has always hung over my head somewhat dissipates when I see how happy she is. She is a sight to behold. Seeing her in pictures and from across the street versus right in front of me is unparalleled. Looking around, I see men drooling over her and anger flares inside me. She doesn’t need some skeeze ball hanging around her.

Aunt Amelia approaches her giving her a hug then leading her to a table off to the corner of the patio. Marcy has her back to me but I’m still able to keep an eye on her. That’s what Matthew would want. At least that’s what I tell myself. As I finish my drink, Xander Caldwell begins moving toward them and I know before he gets there that he’s going to try to use his well known charm on her. Xander holds out his hand for her to take and for a moment she hesitates and I find myself holding my breath wanting her to decline the offer. Instead she lets him lead her to the dance floor. When he places his hands on her waist, I see red. No one should be touching her that way. I tell myself that I’m protecting her but I really don’t know at this point. I only know that his hands need to leave her body or I will break them. He twirls her around making her green dress rise up and before I know what I’m doing, I’m moving.

I glide out of the shadows letting my presence be known, it doesn’t take her long to see me. She stares at me with both intrigue and a fondness that I remember always getting from her. The band finishes the song but her attention remains on me even as Xander leans in to whisper something in her ear. Once he says something again, the spell is broken as she looks up to him. I use this moment to my advantage to make my way by her side.

“I was asking if you would like to have a drink with me,” Xander grins down at Marcy, not noticing my arrival.

I use this as the perfect opportunity to get her away from the guy. She wasn’t into him anyways, I could tell. I may not know her anymore but I still know her body language and she was looking for a polite way out.

“She promised me the next dance,” I announce. Xander looks from me to Marcy with unsaid questions in his eyes but he must see that I won’t back down from this. He thanks Marcy for the dance and jets off the other direction.

Marcy is now staring at me with her mouth agape but I take her hand and lead her to the center of the stage. Her small hand fits delicately in my large callused one. Once a new song begins, I turn her around bringing her body flush against mine. The way her body molds into mine makes holding her feel right.

No words have been uttered, a shared silence falls over us as we dance, the crowd falling away around us.

She finally breaks the silence as her brilliant green eyes search mine. “Samuel, it’s you.” Is all she says but my name on her lips sends chills up my spine. I’ve never been so viscerally affected by someone in my life. I spin her out keeping our hands locked then catch her when she twists back.

“It’s me, sunshine,” I murmur as I lean down brushing my lips along the collar of her neck. I can see the goosebumps erupt over her neck and chest when hearing that name. Matthew used to call her sunshine all the time and it became something I started to use as well. In all honesty, she’s as bright as the sun. Her personality combined with her beauty makes her shine bright.

“You remembered,” she utters as a tear escapes her eye. Keeping my hand on her waist, I wipe away the tear with my other hand. I linger longer feeling the softness of her skin.

“Of course I remembered. How could I forget?” I ask with a smile.

She looks away then back at me with flamed cheeks. She’s still so cute when she gets embarrassed. She takes the wrong step and plunges into my chest. Her lavender and honey scent assaults my senses in the best way. I can’t help but to grasp her back, tangling my fingers through her hair as I right her.

“Looks like someone doesn’t remember their dance lesson.” I tsk. “Do I need to show you again?” I smirk. Marcy nibbles on her voluptuous bottom lip making me want to do the same.

“I guess I forgot a few steps,” she admits with a smile.

“Then listen very carefully. Don’t take those gorgeous eyes off me and follow my lead.” She nods as I take her hand back in mine then lead her around the dance floor. I pull her in close, loving the warmth of her body against mine. We dance through several songs with the only words spoken being the ones that our eyes reveal. We are in our own little bubble of musical bliss until Miles comes over.

“I hate to break this up but we are about to give a toast for you and Matthew,” Miles says to Marcy. Hearing his name sobers me. I take a step back as though I’ve been burned by the forbidden fruit. How did I let things get intimate with her? I’m her brother’s best friend. Nothing can happen between us. My mind is waging a war with my heart. Marcy looks at me but I keep mine on Miles. I can feel frustration radiating off her. I’m doing what’s best, keeping her at arm’s length. That’s the only thing I’m good at. I’ll continue to watch her life from the sidelines. She doesn’t need someone broken. She needs a whole man, as much as I hate to admit it.But the thought of her with another man makes me clench my fists by my side. Irrationally I don’t want anyone to have her unless it’s me.

It’s good that Miles interrupted when he did or who knows what I would have done. Maybe I would have rented a room here and had my way with her. The thoughts leave me feeling dirty and wrong. Marcy deserves to be with someone that didn’t skew her brother’s dying request. Having her followed instead of putting in the work myself.

As Miles whisks Marcy away, she turns back to look at me with sadness in her eyes. My gut wrenches with the sight of her unhappiness. She turns back in time to walk up the stairs to the podium where Sebastian joins them. Waiters begin walking around with tall flutes of champagne on serving platters offering one to all the guests.

Miles taps on the microphone making sure it’s working before he begins. “Thank you all for joining us in this birthday celebration. We are here to honor a very special day. Marcy Hillary has become an integral part of the Knight family and we are forever grateful to everything she does. And let’s be honest, you all know the trouble Sebastian and I can find ourselves in. Marcy is always there to save the day.” The audience laughs along as Sebastian comes up behind her and drapes his arm over her shoulders the way a protective brother would. I suppose the Knights have become her adoptive family since her parents’ death.

Miles continues, “But in all seriousness, we would be in deep shit without this woman right here. As coincidence would have it, she shares this day with her brother, Matthew, who died fighting for our country. He’s a true American hero and we wanted to use this party to celebrate both Marcy and Matthew. Please join me in this toast. Cheers.” Miles holds his flute up to the crowd then turns to clink his against Marcy’s and Sebastian’s. As I look around at the cheering crowd, my heart squeezes with emotions I can’t place. Looking back at Marcy, I can see the tears sparkling in her eyes but I know she is holding them in until she can get off stage and out of the spotlight. She excuses herself after she says a quick thank you then moves off to a far corner.

A woman with short blonde hair comes up behind her rubbing her back in calming circles and whispers something in her ear. They begin smiling and laughing a moment later and the relief I feel is palpable. I can’t stand to see her sad, especially knowing the reason being that her brother isn’t here with her tonight. It makes me question my life and wonder what the hell I’m doing here. If Matthew were here, he would be doing good work and helping those he knew were suffering. Instead, I survived. All I can do is hide behind my computer.

Before I go into a drinking binge, I remember the notes I took earlier and an idea forms in my mind. I could call it the Matthew Hillary Foundation, honoring those that have fallen in battle and aiding those that returned. Maybe that would make me worthy of Marcy.

As I’m looking at her from a distance, Miles and Sebastian come up to me. “Looks like we were right about you two,” Sebastian comments as he gestures toward Marcy.

“Yeah, you two seemed mighty comfortable on the dance floor. I think you scared poor Xander off though. I haven’t seen him since.” Miles chuckles as he takes a drink.

“I was just saving her from the asshole. He wasn’t right for her.” Before I can take it back, it’s out there in the open. Miles and Sebastian both exchange grins then look back to me.

“So, what are you doing over here then? Go get the girl,” Sebastian insists. I contemplate his words. It would be easy to say fuck it all and take Marcy as mine. I read the emotions in her eyes. I know she wants this too. The battle of what’s right weighs heavily on me because I truly don’t know what the right move is. My mind tells me to stay away because I’ll only let her down the way I did her brother. I couldn’t keep him alive so why should I be given a chance to protect his sister? But I want her with every fiber of my being.

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