Page 12 of The Last Knight

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“I doubt I’m what Matthew had in mind for his sister,” I state as I stare at the red headed siren across the roof. Her laugh is calling out to me with promises while I sail the dangerous seas of my mind.

“He was your best friend. The two of you were inseparable as kids. You don’t think out of all men in the world, he would bless you, especially, to be with her. I know you can’t get his approval now but don’t let that stop you. We saw the way she looked at you. I’ve never seen her like that, man. Don’t blow it because you’re worried. I think you are using Matthew as an excuse to not go after what you’ve always wanted.”

It’s easy for them to tell me to go after her, they can’t see the battle waging in my mind.

Running my hands through my hair, I try to think about what is really stopping me from pursuing Marcy. I can’t deny the pull I have toward her. She’s secretly been my sole obsession since leaving the military. I’ve stalked her, telling myself I was only protecting her, doing what her brother asked of me. I knew the lies I told myself would never be able to obstruct the true reason I did it. I want her. No, I need her. I need her like my next breath. She is responsible for the only light in my otherwise bleak life.

She must feel my gaze on her because she turns around and looks right at me. I want to go to her. Would it be so bad if I did?

Chapter 8


I see Miles and Sebastian talking to Samuel and I wonder what they’re saying. Sam’s eyes stay locked on mine while the others are speaking as if he’s blocking everything out except for me. I’ve always dreamed of him looking at me this way but I get the feeling that he’s going through some kind of an internal struggle. Sebastian nudges his shoulder causing him to break our contact giving me the opportunity to check out his new muscular build. Before he went into the military, he frequented the gym but now he looks like he lives there. He looks like a beast.

Sarah nudges me when she sees where I’m staring off to. “Ah, so that’s the Samuel that I used to hear about, huh?” she questions.

“Uh, yeah. I guess it is. I haven’t seen him in so long but it’s like I still know him and at the same time, I don’t. Does that make sense?” I ask as I turn my gaze to her.

“Definitely. People don’t change completely but he’s been to war so you don’t know that side of him. I doubt many do from the looks of it. His body language tells people to back the fuck away.” Sarah chuckles at her statement, giving me the opportunity to look back to see what she’s talking about. He does stand differently. He doesn’t look like the carefree boy I once knew.

Nora and Ally barge into my view of Sam. “Marcy! I haven’t been able to get a hold of you all night, love!” Nora beams.

“I’m sorry! I guess I’ve been stretched out with everyone.”

“Don’t apologize! This is your day! I just wanted you to know that Ally and I made it to the party.”

“Thank you for the invite,” Ally gives me a half hug, her usual.

“Of course. I wanted to spend the day with my friends,” I reply.

“We are going to go hit the dance floor before this thing dies down.” Ally places a kiss on Nora’s head then grabs her hand to lead her away. My heart aches at the beauty of their love. I wish I had that.


As dawn draws near, the energy of the party begins to fade. It's been a while since I've indulged in such a high level of alcohol, but my friends' persistent offers for shots were too tempting to resist. Nonetheless, a twinge of regret begins to creep up as I stagger towards a vacant table nestled in the corner. Lifting my gaze towards the spinning patio, my senses swirl out of control causing me to puke in a large potted plant next to me.

Resting my head against the cool table, I close my eyes and wish more than anything that I was already home in my comfy pajamas and in bed. My stomach rolls alerting me that I’m going to be sick again. I lean over just in time to bathe the plant in my vomit. I wipe away the hair stuck to my mouth with the back of my hand. Groaning I try to stand but I stumble over my own feet and fall face first into a hard body. My arms voluntarily wrap around the person standing before me. A familiar scent of vanilla and sandalwood fills my head and I know it’s Samuel that happened to catch me.

“Whoa. Easy there, princess,” he croons as he leans over gathering my hair in his large hand. He grabs my arm and pulls me up flush against his body.

Embarrassment washes over me at the state I’m in. I want to go hide in a hole until he leaves so he doesn’t have to see me like this. Opening my eyes, I look up at the sexy bearded man holding me up.

“I’m alright. I just slipped,” I lie hoping he will let me crawl away in peace.

“Don’t lie to me, Marcy,” he tuts with irritation. I don’t know why he’s even helping me when he spent the rest of the party avoiding me like the plague. Every time I would find him, he would look away quickly and suddenly be interested in something else. I guess the closeness I felt during our dance was one sided. Figures.

“I don’t need your help, Sam. I was just going to call my driver and go home.” I push against him so I can remove myself from his grasp. I don’t need him or his negativity.

Sam leans down to whisper in my ear. “Stop trying to get away from me, sunshine. You won’t be able to.” Chills shoot through my body as his warm breath coats my neck. He wraps his arm around my waist and bends, lifting me into his arms bridal style. What the fuck is happening here?

“Put me down! I can walk!” I exclaim but he continues walking toward the bank of elevators. I’m confident in my plus-sized body but that doesn’t mean I want someone carrying me, especially him of all people.

“More lies,” he murmurs. “You know, bad girls get punished. I’d hate to mark that beautiful porcelain skin.” He chuckles darkly. Miles comes over and my embarrassment skyrockets because not only is my long-time crush seeing me like this but now my boss. I shut my eyes to avoid their gazes upon me.

“Everything alright?” Miles asks.

“Just making sure she gets home safely,” Samuel replies.

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