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“I’ll consider it. You’re getting me hooked on serial killers now.”

“Did you listen to the podcast?” she asks excitedly.

I smile and kiss her nose. “I did.” I get up. “Ivan, Monty, and I listened, and we agree that you were born to do this. You are a natural, informative, and emotive. I’m very proud of you.” I take her hand as she beams at me.

“I also thought it came out so much better. Thank you for spoiling me with all this new stuff so I can upgrade my podcast.”

“It’s my pleasure.”

That’s how it started. We fell into a comfortable routine each day, simply following each other’s lead for the rest of the week.

Chapter 17 - Hannah

I feel like I’ve found my place in this craziness, even though each new report of an Armenian or Italian attack has me holding my breath.

Every day this week, I’ve slept next to Luka, and once we made love.

Love? Are we making love?

I’m getting kind of addicted to what he does to my body. I have a sneaky suspicion that no one else would match his energy, passion, or skill for me.

He definitely has skills. That tongue drives me wild.

He goes to the gym every morning, and I stay home with the guards unless I pop out to the library with Jonah and Kellian. My recordings are going great, but I have to admit I’ve kind of let my makeup business fall to the wayside. I don’t think I can explain to a client why I’m showing up for a makeup appointment with two armed guards. I’ll need to solve this problem because people are waiting for bookings.

After Luka leaves, I go upstairs to shower. My phone is ringing, and I grab it.


“Hi, sweetie, it’s Mom.”

“Hi, Mom,” I say with a smile. “So glad to hear from you. How’s things in Ohio?”

“Oh, they’re fine. Your father has taken up gardening now, and he’s redoing the back garden with a new deck made of pallets. He saw something on that gramsta app.”

“Instagram?” I ask.

“That’s the one. He’s hooked to it now with all these home projects.” She pauses. “How are things with you and Luka?”

“Things are fine.” It isn’t a lie. “We’ve mostly just been going through the motions of life. Not much is happening.”

“Well, maybe I can give you something to do,” I don’t trust the sweetness in my mother's voice, “since you are my only child.”

“What?” I ask although I suspect I already know what she wants.

“Plan a proper wedding. Get married with a proper ceremony and reception so we can enjoy it and make memories with you. If Luka can’t afford it, your father and I will be willing to pay for it.” She pauses. “Please say yes.”

“I…” I hesitate. I don’t know how to answer this. I don’t want to hurt my mother; I know that much. “I’ll talk to Luka about it. I don’t think it has anything to do with money, Mom.”

“Well, that’s good to know. That he can take care of you.” I can practically feel my mom beaming down the phone. “Now, you know, I want to be involved, but I know it will be hard because I’m in Ohio. Maybe I can come to spend a week or two at your house. To really see where you live, and we can go wedding dress shopping together with your cousins.”

“Oh, uh. Now really isn’t a good time. And if we’re going to plan a wedding, I don’t want to rush it. That’s the point, after all, right?”

“Honey, do you live in a dump? Is that why you don’t want me to come?”

I laugh. “Mom, Luka owns a lot of properties, including a penthouse apartment and an estate on the fancy side of Vegas. It’s not that. It’s just that Luka and I are spending some quality time together since we didn’t go on a proper honeymoon. That’s all.” I thank God I’m a quick thinker.

“Oh, of course.” My mother sounds sufficiently awkward that she won’t ask too many questions. “Okay, well, I’ve made a Pinterest board that I will send you with some ideas. What do you kids call it? I’ll drop you a link?” She giggles. “Oh, this is so exciting.”

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