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“Mom, let me speak to Luka first,” I say.

“Yes, yes, of course. But I’m sure he won’t deny his own parents a wedding either. Would he?”

“Only his mom is alive, and I’m sure she’d love one, but I need to discuss it with him first, please. Just let me do that.”

“Of course, honey. Why don’t you go see him at work? Take him lunch and butter him up. I used to do that if I wanted something from your father.” She giggles and sighs. “Okay, I’ll let you go. Let me know soonest, okay?”

“Yes, Mom.” I sigh. “Love you.”

“Love you.”

I hang up and toss my phone on Luka’s bed. God, my mom can be impossible. I forgot how demanding she is.

I think that also contributed to the reason I moved to Vegas. Shit, what am I going to do with Luka now. We’ve just gotten into a comfortable routine around each other, and now this. I guess there’s nothing for it. I’ll have to ask Luka to give my mother what she wants even though we’re getting divorced once the threat is gone.

Divorced? A large part of me doesn’t seem to want that anymore.

I go shower while I think about it. Am I honestly considering staying with Luka once the threat is over? Am I going to stay married?

A part of me wants to say yes, and it’s a part bigger than I imagined. But there’s a part of me who still feels betrayed that he married us without my consent. The choice was taken away from me and will always be a sore point in our relationship.

I don’t go to Luka for lunch, but when he comes home, I’m a little distant, and he can sense it.

“What’s wrong?” he asks as he takes my hand and pulls me to him.

“Two things are stressing me out,” I say quietly.

“Tell me. I’ll fix it.” He rests his hands on my waist and looks at me seriously.

“My mom wants a real wedding—a dress, cake, flowers—the whole shebang.” I sigh. What’s the point in spending all that money if we’re just going to get divorced?”

I see the hurt flash across his face, but he hides it quickly. I feel hurt. “If it’s what you want to do for your mom, we can do it. I don’t mind spending the money. We can say it’s just a party if you want.”

I rest my hands on his chest.

“Luka. What if someone does take me? I don’t have the strength or know-how to protect myself. I don’t even know how to throw a proper punch. I’m scared all the time, and I want to be able to protect myself.”

Luka leans forward and kisses my head. “You want me to teach you how to fight?”

“Yes. I think I do want you to.” I look at him seriously. “So if I’m ever taken, I can protect myself.”

“Always kick them in the balls. That’s lesson one.” He chuckles. “Your elbow is your hardest body part. Use it to smack them in the face.”

“Luka, I’m being serious. Can I go with you to the gym tomorrow?” I look at him pleadingly.

“Okay, okay.” He kisses my forehead again. “I’ll make an extra protein shake, and you can join us at the gym.”

“Thank you.” I lean up and kiss his lips softly. Even if this is pretend, I can enjoy it, right?

The next morning, Luka gently wakes me up. “Come on, baby, get dressed in something comfortable—something you can sweat in.” He moves away from the bed. I get up and brush my teeth, changing into a tracksuit and vest.

I braid my hair and come downstairs. Luka is waiting for me at the base of the stairs. “Hmm, I don’t think I want you showing off so much skin,” he teases.

“Luckily, it’s my body,” I retort.

He kisses me and hands me a shake. I sniff and wrinkle my nose. “Chocolate?”

“It’s my preferred flavor.”

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