Page 93 of Baby Drama II

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“Can I get you some more ice?” I asked Miles as he lay in bed.

“No. But you can give me my son.” He smiled, holding out his arms.

I handed Brayden to him.

“How are you feeling?” I climbed on the bed next to him.

“Not too bad, considering my manhood got snipped.”

“It was for the greater good.” I smiled, kissing his lips. “You’ll be okay, big guy.”

“Where’s Ben?”

“Downstairs with Melissa. She’s playing with him. Are you emotionally okay?” I asked.

“What do you mean, sweetheart?”

“Knowing you can’t produce any more children. Sometimes, for men, it can cause depression, stress, and even anxiety knowing what was done to them. After all, your manhood is a huge part of you, and I just want to make sure you’re okay.”

“I appreciate it, baby.” He leaned over and kissed me. “I’m fine with the fact that you forced me into making sure we never have more children.” A smirk crossed his lips.

“You’re an asshole.”

“Language in front of the child,” he said. “I’m kidding you, sweetheart. I’m good. And knowing that I don’t have to worry every time I come in that beautiful pussy of yours is a good feeling. Ouch.” He placed his hand over the fabric of his underwear. “I think I’ll take that ice now.”

“You need to stop thinking about sex.” I smirked, climbing off the bed.

“You do know who you’re talking to, right?”

“Yes.” I leaned over, kissed his lips, and took the baby. “I’ll be right back with your ice.”

* * *

Having two children under the age of two was exhausting, but we were grateful we found Melissa when we did. She was a nanny for six months for Jerome and Renae Rich. As far as I was concerned, they were worse than the Kensington’s, and their three children were monsters.

I had put it out there in the nanny circle that I was thinking about hiring a nanny for us. When my nanny friend Yasmin called me and told me that Melissa was sobbing one day in the park, I knew I had to intervene. She was twenty-three years old and moved out of her parent’s house in Long Island and moved to the city with her best friend. She dreamed of becoming a real estate agent, working for one of the many prestigious property companies in New York. She had experience with children, being the oldest of eight, and with parents who both worked. The Rich’s hired her because they were desperate, and word in the nanny circle hadn’t gotten to poor Melissa yet.

I visited the park one day with Ben. Melissa and I met and instantly clicked. I offered her more money than she was getting paid, and Miles was generous enough to pay for her health insurance. Now, I was known in the social circle as the nanny-stealing thief. Did I care? Not at all. I laughed about it, and so did Miles. I knew our time was limited with her because, one day, she’d get her real estate license and leave us for bigger and better things. That was okay, though. I wanted her to succeed and would help her in any way possible.

While my poor husband was in bed with an ice pack on his balls, I asked Melissa if she wanted to go shopping on Fifth Avenue. We got the children ready and climbed into the Escalade. I sat in the front, and Melissa sat in the back with the kids.

“Let me know when you’re ready to go home.” Sean smiled as he took the double stroller from the back and set it up.

“Thanks, Sean.”

We went into Saks to look around. As we were shopping through the racks, Renae Rich walked over.

“Well, well. If it isn’t Stella Bradshaw.” Her eyes raked over me. “And you, Melissa.” Her tone was snobby.

“Hello, Renae.” I smiled. “Shopping for anything special?”

“Not really. Spending your husband’s money?”

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