Page 94 of Baby Drama II

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“Where are the children?” I asked and ignored her question.

“Please. I don’t bring my children shopping. I have hired help for that. I don’t need the aggravation while I’m trying to shop for myself. Stella, I don’t want to bring this up, but nobody else in the circle has enough guts to.”


“You will never be accepted in our social circle. I mean, come on. You were a nanny, for goodness sake. I’m not quite sure why Miles Bradshaw chose you. Aren’t you from Florida or something?”

“I am from Florida.” I gracefully smiled even though I wanted to rip her face off.

“A Florida girl who sunk her claws into a billionaire and made sure she had children so she’d be set for life.”

I looked at Melissa, who was standing there a nervous wreck, holding her phone.

“And then you go and steal our nanny right out from under us. You are nothing but a trashy Florida nanny-stealing thief who married a man to gain social status. We all know that you most likely fabricated a story that you were pregnant to get Miles to marry you the first time. But then he found out the truth and had your marriage annulled. Then you sucked him right back in when you found out you were pregnant with little Benjamin. That child probably isn’t even his. You listen to me. We don’t deal with trash like you. You are not a part of our circle, nor will you ever be.”

That was it. My hormones were still flying high from the pregnancy, and I couldn’t stand looking at her anymore. Taking my right fist, it accidentally hit her jaw and flew across her face. Melissa jumped and covered her mouth with her hand. The kids started to cry, and Renae Rich fell into a rack of clothes and onto the ground.

“How’d you like that, Renae?” I stood over her. “Florida trashy enough for you?”

“My nose. I think you broke my nose!” she screamed.

“Good. You needed a nose job to fix that botched job anyway.”

Several sales associates ran toward us, and so did security.

“She did this! She did this!” Renae profusely yelled, pointing at me. “Call the police. I’m pressing charges against that psychopath.”

“Mrs. Bradshaw, come with me.” Charles, the security guard, took hold of my arm.

“Melissa, you have Sean’s number. Call him right now and have him pick you and the kids up and go to the park,” I shouted as Charles led me through the store. I turned my head. “And whatever you do, don’t mention this to him. Make something up. I’ll be fine.”

He sat me in a room and kept an eye on me, so I didn’t escape.

“What were you thinking, Mrs. Bradshaw?” He handed me an ice pack for my knuckles.

“Besides how badly I wanted to rip that gold-digging bitch’s head off?” I cocked my head. “You know how they are, Charles. I’m not like them.”

“I know.” He shook his head. “She said she’s pressing charges, so the police will be here soon.”

“Great.” I rolled my eyes. I wasn’t surprised. Now, I gave the social circle more ammunition to hate me, not that I cared.

The door opened, and two police officers stepped in.

“Are you Mrs. Stella Bradshaw, ma’am?”

“Yes, I am.” I stood up.

“Did you assault one Mrs. Renae Rich?”

“Yes, I did.” I stood proud and tall. “If you’re going to arrest me, please don’t handcuff me and walk me out the back entrance. I will cooperate and go with you.”

“Ma’am, we?—”

“Please. I’m asking you nicely. I’ve already caused a scene here. Let’s not cause another one.” I bit down on my bottom lip.

“Fine. We’ll go out the back entrance of the store. But if you try anything funny?—”

“I won’t. I promise.”

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