Page 50 of The Stones We Cast

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Crystal’s brows were already wiggling and lips parting. “I doubt you have a comedic bone in your body.”

“I’ll rather tell a corny joke than have my damn coochie ripped open by your big head son. I have the sonogram as proof. He’s about to make you get stitches.” And there was Cedric’s golden shot.

Head tossed back, dimples sucked in, and a wide smile. Crystal was a glowing beauty.

“Oh, my gosh! How dare you? That head is all you, sir.” She couldn’t stop giggling and the camera ate it up. “Wait… wait… I gotta pee.” Her knees kissed, and she gripped my hand. “Oh, shit, Zeek.” She squealed. Eyes shot down to the floor as I felt the wetness on my feet. “I think I’m peeing on myself.” She whispered looking mortified.

Nah, that wasn’t pee.

She’s been complaining about our son sitting on her bladder but that much liquid to stain the front of her jeans and puddle the floor.

“Uh, Crystal, are you okay?” Cedric had seen exactly what I saw.

Her water broke.

Panic hit her hard and before she could freak out, I had to calm her down because shit was about to get real. “Hey, focus on me. It’s okay. Dr. Hamilton said you were due any day now and today is that day. I have your spare baby bag in my truck.” Good thing she packed two bags with the same stuff for my car and hers. “I’m going to carry you to your dressing room so you can change. While you’re doing that, I’m going to call Dr. Hamilton and let her know we’re on the way to the hospital. Everything is going to be okay.”

Cedric kept snapping, pointing his video crew to record our moment.

“I-I’m scared, Zeek.” She wrapped her arms around me, shivering and taking deep breaths. Sunnie moved alongside me, opening the door and getting her clothes.

“Let me help you.” Sunnie was on the move and assisting.

She and I had the same goal in mind - keep Crystal calm and get her to the hospital safely.

“I got you, Crys. I promise I got you. Let Sunnie help you while I make these phone calls.” I placed her on the couch and Sunnie jumped in while I grabbed her phone and mine to make the calls.

Calls to her doctor. Calls to her best friend and family.

Once I was done with her crew of people and making sure I had her birthing plan in the bag, I called Jeremiah and Bishop.

“Ahhhhh, shit! That hurt.” Her contractions were starting. Sunnie worked fast to put her fro into two crowned braids, putting the gold vein crown back on. “Oh, my God! It hurtssss,” she cried and that was my queue to leave.

Picking her up again, Sunnie grabbed her bags and we were gone. Cedric snapped and continued recording until we got in the car. Hearing Crystal’s cries of agony and seeing the pain etched on her face, I refused to release her from my arms. I felt like I could protect them better this way. Sunnie drove and I sat in the back with Crystal in my lap. Her contractions were coming back-to-back. From ten minutes apart to four by the time we made it to the hospital.

“Dad, I know you want to protect mom but I need you to put her on the bed so we can get her situated.” A nurse pleaded.

Reluctantly I placed her on the bed and I stepped back but not back too far. Sunnie stayed downstairs in the waiting room to give our families updates. By the time they had her in a gown and hooked up to the monitor, her screams echoed down the hall and her best friend arrived just in time.

Crystal was in active labor.

Dr. Hamilton came in and checked her cervix, letting us know that our son was about to be born now. In an hour she was fully dilated and unable to get an epidural. When she heard that news, she cried harder. I didn’t know what to do other than let her squeeze the circulation out of my hand.

“Okay, Crystal. I need two good pushes. Dad, come see.” Dr. Hamilton coached Crystal, her best friend Megan held her other hand, and I stood there watching her coochie stretch as my son’s head passed through. “Okay, his head is out. Shoulders are next. Relax, take a deep breath, and let your body naturally push him out.”

The abilities of a woman’s body were astonishing.

“Do you see him?” Crystal’s red eyes questioned.

All I could do was blink until my vision cleared. “I see him, Crys. He’s coming.”

I’ve accomplished a lot in my thirty-plus years of living on this earth. Traveled around the world. Meet some amazing people. Made a lot of money. I fell in love with the woman of my dreams. But nothing, and I mean nothing, brought me more joy and happiness than this moment right here.

God is so good.

A consuming fire consumed my body. Heart pounded with a fervency I’d never felt before. For a brief moment, ten seconds of silence covered the room, and then it happened. He was born. His screams gut-punched me, almost bringing me to my knees watching Dr. Hamilton place him on Crystal’s chest. His tiny body curled, and lungs awakened.

“Oh, my goodness. Ezekiel, look at him. He’s so tiny and perfect.” She cried, hand reaching out for me. “Look at your son, Zeek.”

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