Page 71 of Cross My Heart

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He was referring to work, not sexy times. I wished that we had no responsibilities. That we could just take a vacation and work on our relationship. But that wasn’t reality. This was our life, working long hours toward the next big accomplishment.

For him, that was his family’s inn, and for me… I wasn’t sure what it was anymore. Putting everything into a business that would never appreciate what I had to offer? Bosses who would continually overlook my talents to hire someone with less experience?

“We have guests checking in this afternoon, but I want to get a head start on the shelves. Make up for time we lost yesterday.”

He slid a plate of eggs and bacon across the counter toward me. There were even strawberries cut up on the side. Emotion clogged my throat as I picked up a fork and forced myself to eat. It would be selfish to ask him to take the morning off, to spend more time together. Yesterday was a gift. I needed to enjoy it for what it was and move on.

Aiden arranged muffins on a platter, then covered them. “These will be ready whenever the guests arrive. Since the roads were already cleared, one family said they might check in early.”

“That’s good.” The eggs dissolved into dust in my mouth. I finished eating and got up to clear my dish.

Aiden took it with a smile. “You’re a guest here.”

The problem was I didn’t want to be. I wanted to be the woman at his side, and that was dangerous. I’d asked him to spend his life with me before, and he’d said no. I couldn’t forget the look on his face when I’d naively asked him to marry me.

Aiden put our dishes in the dishwasher, and we took bottled waters downstairs. Eventually, there would be a refrigerated unit behind the concession stand for drinks, but it wasn’t ready yet.

We worked on the shelves, putting them together, then hanging them on the wall. This unit would be for bowling shoes. When it was done, we’d build the boxes that would form a table and cubbies for each lane. They would sit between the two couches.

At lunch, I went upstairs to make sandwiches while Aiden continued to work. He was focused on getting the work done since the repairman was coming soon.

Charlotte arrived at lunchtime, coming into the kitchen to snag a muffin and an iced tea from the fridge. “I saw that snowman outside. Did you and Aiden build it?”

Charlotte must have seen something in my expression because her eyes widened. “Are you two together?”

I shook my head. “We’re not like that. We just dated in high school.”

“Oh. I didn’t realize that.”

I smiled politely. “You wouldn’t. We kept it a secret.”

“Do you think you’ll get back together?” Charlotte asked, taking a bite of the muffin.

I didn’t know Charlotte that well, but she was so friendly, I felt like I could be honest with her. My stomach twisted. “I don’t see how it could work. It was the same thing when we were teens. We’re going in separate directions. We want different things.”

“That’s too bad. Aiden could use someone. Marley’s worried about him since he retired from the military. I think that’s why she stayed in the inn for so long with Heath instead of their cabin.”

“She’s worried about him? Why?”

“He doesn’t talk about things, and she just wants him to settle in here and be happy. She doesn’t want him to leave again.”

There was a small part of me that wondered if I could ask him to move with me, but Charlotte’s words cut off that possibility all together.

Aiden was invested in the inn and getting to know his sister again. I couldn’t take him away from his family or his legacy. We were in the exact same position as last time. I could ask him to commit to me, but it wouldn’t be fair. I wasn’t what he wanted.

We might have had great chemistry, but that didn’t mean we could make things work long-term. I got out the lunch meat and cheese to make subs, going through the motions while my mind whirred with the possibilities.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t find one that kept us living in the same place. I wasn’t willing to give up my job when he’d turned me down last time. I just couldn’t take that risk again. My heart wouldn’t take another break.

Aiden appeared in the kitchen with his hand on his stomach. “What’s taking so long? I’m starving.”

I nodded toward the plate of subs and chips I’d prepared. “I was just going to bring this down.”

“We might as well eat up here.” Aiden washed his hands in the sink, then asked Charlotte, “How were the roads?”

“Clear and dry. I expect guests will be arriving soon.” She hopped off the stool, flashing us a smile before leaving the room.

“I’m glad she’s here today. I just want to focus on the work downstairs.”

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