Page 70 of Cross My Heart

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We were quiet for a few seconds, both recovering from the orgasmic high we’d come down from.

I touched her hip, wishing she could sleep in my bed every night. That we could come home to each other after work no matter what we were doing.

I hoped she was feeling even a fraction of what I was. I should have been afraid of getting hurt, but I was in an open free-fall, and there was no stopping me.



The morning after the storm, I woke up to the sun streaming through the windows. The sheets beside me felt cold, and when I finally lifted my head, I could see that I’d overslept.

I couldn’t remember the last time I’d slept past seven. I slowly stretched, feeling every inch of my sore muscles after the workout Aiden had put me through.

A few seconds later, Aiden came into the room with a mug.

“Coffee?” I asked him hopefully, my voice sounding rough from sleep.

“I thought you could use some.”

I shifted to a seated position, accepting the warm mug from him. I blew across the hot liquid, needing it to cool off so I could drink it.

“I got up early to make sure the road was clear. Guests are scheduled to start arriving later tonight.”

“You think the roads are okay?” I was kind of hoping we could be snowed in for longer. It was a nice reprieve from the realities of our lives. Each day that passed was one day closer to me needing to leave.

“Seem to be. We didn’t get any ice overnight to complicate matters.”

I never wished for cold temperatures and ice more than I did now. “I guess we should work since we took off yesterday.”

“Marley doesn’t care that we took off. Sometimes you have to take a snow day.” Aiden settled onto the bed next to me.

“It felt like we were kids again. We ignored our responsibilities and just played.”

Aiden’s lips curved into a smile. “It was nice.”

My heart ached to relive that day. When would we ever get uninterrupted time like that again? I couldn’t help but think that our relationship worked when the outside world stopped. That wasn’t a good sign. We should be able to maintain a relationship regardless of what was going on in our lives, where we lived or worked, and who our families were. But that had never been the case.

Aiden’s phone buzzed. “Probably someone calling to check on the roads or to book a room. I’m going to take this downstairs. Come down when you’re ready. I’ll cook you breakfast.”

I wished we could stay in his apartment and share breakfast. Then we could wear our pajamas all day, and watch TV, make love, and enjoy his hot tub.

Instead, Aiden kissed me and picked up his phone. “Matthews Inn. This is Aiden speaking. How can I help you?”

I heard the soft click of the front door a few seconds later, and I was alone again. I drank a few sips of the coffee, enjoying the fact that Aiden had brought it to me, before I finally got up and took a quick shower.

I wished that Aiden would join me. That we could make love before we needed to face our day. But until Charlotte arrived to man the front desk, Aiden took on those responsibilities. That would always be the case.

Even if I quit my job and moved here, Aiden had his own work occupying his time. Both of us were busy people.

I dried off, pulled on the dress from last night, and carried my heels to my room where I changed into workout clothes.

Downstairs, I could see the sun was shining brightly, doing its best to melt the snow that had fallen over the last few days.

“I was going to come look for you.”

I smiled. “I decided to take a shower.”

He leaned closer and kissed me. “I’m just going to dirty you up again. We need to hang those shelves today.”

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