Page 37 of Cross My Heart

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“Have you talked to Fiona? Have you tried to make things right with her?” Heath asked softly.

“I’m not sure I can.”

He leaned against the bar. “Not talking about it isn’t going to do anything. Then she’s going to leave thinking you didn’t want her.”

My jaw ached from the tension. “She’s moved on from me.”

“Are you sure about that?”

I blew out a breath. “Honestly? I’m not sure of anything. I certainly haven’t moved on. I haven’t been interested in anyone until her.”

Heath nodded. “Now we’re getting somewhere.”

“I just don’t know what to do about it.”

Heath shrugged. “Talk to her. Clear the air. Then start from there.”

“You make it sound so easy.”

“From where I’m standing, it is.”

“Talking about feelings isn’t easy.”

“I guess not how you were raised. I’m sure your parents would’ve told you that you were a crybaby for having feelings. I remember some of what your mom used to spew at you.”

“Thankfully, they’re gone now.”

“But those memories stay with us. They form the core of who we are.”

“That’s why I went into the military. I’m not that same guy.” I’d hardened myself against my parents. I’d like to think if I ever ran into them again, I’d be immune to their barbs.

Heath shook his head. “It’s who you are, and you need to heal from it to move on with someone.”

“Fiona and I have a history. Don’t you think it would be easier to move on with someone else.”

Heath chuckled. “If only you were interested in someone else.”

“Sometimes I hate you.” He never failed to tell me how it was.

Heath sobered. “You need to talk to her about it. Tell her why you did what you did and that it had nothing to do with her as a person. That you never stopped having feelings for her.”

“How do you know all of that?” I couldn’t help but ask.

“It’s obvious to anyone who’s spent time around you two.”

I thought I’d been professional when we were around Heath and Marley, but I guess I was wrong.

Heath grinned. “You should make sure she comes to the walk-through light display. When I was trying to win over Marley, I took her to all the holiday events. I wanted to show her the magic of the farm and the season.”

“You wooed her.” The fact was that Heath was more emotionally mature than me. He’d won over Marley despite the fact that he’d broken things off when they were teenagers. He’d been worried about his promise to protect her. The promise he made to me.

The difference was I’d promised Fiona that I’d wait for her to finish college. But I hadn’t. I’d broken that promise, and I wasn’t sure she’d ever forgive me for it.

“You’ll never know if you don’t try. The worst thing that will happen is that you’ll talk it out, and you both move on from there.”

The words got stuck in my throat. I wasn’t prepared to move on from Fiona. Just the thought of it weighed on my chest, making it hurt to breathe.

“You don’t like to talk about your feelings, do you?”

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