Page 36 of Cross My Heart

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If we were alone, I would have teased about wishing Heath had a sister. But Fiona was here, and it wasn’t worth alienating her for a joke. “Women can’t resist a man in uniform.”

Fiona raised a brow but didn’t say anything.

I didn’t want her to think that I was a player since I’d been home. In fact, it was the exact opposite, but I couldn’t resist teasing Heath. I missed our easy-going camaraderie.

“I’ll leave you to it. I’m going to head downstairs,” Heath said.

“I’ll be down in a minute,” I said to him, knowing I wanted to clear things up with Fiona.

When he was gone, I said, “I was just giving Heath a hard time. It didn’t mean anything.”

Fiona plastered a smile on her face. “It’s none of my business who you date.”

“I haven’t been with anyone since I’ve been home. I’ve been too busy with this place, and frankly, I haven’t been interested in anyone.” Not until now.

“Like I said, you don’t owe me an explanation.” She stood and rested the strap of her purse on her shoulder. “Do you mind if I leave the drawings here?”

“It’s a good spot for them. We don’t use the dining room.”

I rounded the table, stopping near Fiona.

“Did you have something else you wanted to discuss before I leave?” Fiona asked.

I opened my mouth intending to tell her I hadn’t been interested in anyone but her, but I couldn’t get the words out. I was afraid she wasn’t ready to hear them. That I’d scare her away. At any moment, she could leave, go back to her apartment and her job. “Thanks for helping us out with this.”

Her face softened. “Of course. I’m excited to get started.”

“I’d better join Heath in case he has any questions.”

Fiona nodded and moved to leave. When she was almost to the doorway, I asked, “Would you come with me to the light display? I feel weird going alone. I’m not a Monroe, and Marley’s with Heath.”

“I don’t know—”

“You should experience some of the holiday things while you’re here.”

“That’s not a bad idea.”

And I want to be the one who experienced them with her. “I’ll knock on your door at seven. Maybe we can have dinner in your room.”

“That would be nice.”

“I’ll see you then.” I walked out before she had a chance to back out and tell me the reasons why it was a bad idea.

In the basement, I found Heath in the bar. “This craftsmanship is top-notch. And the wood is mahogany.”

“You think you can keep the bar itself?”

“Most of it’s good. It’s solid construction. Someone took their time with this.” His fingers ran over the details on the side of the bar. “We want to keep as much of the original wood as possible.” Then he stepped back and considered me. “I’m surprised you caved to Marley paying for this.”

“She wants to restore Gram’s pride and joy. We both want to see it come back to life. If she can afford to do that, then why should I stop her?”

Heath squeezed my shoulder. “You’re growing up.”

I shrugged him off. “I’m already a man.”

Heath raised his brows. “In some ways.”

My shoulders stiffened. “What are you trying to say?”

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