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Kai Rockz :P: Tell me all about them. Boy? Girl? N/A? Dinosaur? Hair color? SSN?

Kai Rockz :P: Details, I need details!

Oli Awad: Not now.

Me: Ah, right. Hold on, Kai. I’ll text you separately. Oli is in the bathroom “thinking” about her. I don’t believe he wants to be bothered right now.


Oli Awad: Jonah Alexander, you are no longer my friend.

I snickered as I navigated to my private chat with Kai.

Me: Girl, not a dinosaur, brown hair, SSN unknown.

Kai Rockz :P: Jojo, tell me everything!

Me: It’s June.

Kai Rockz :P: The girl from history class that he “hates”?

Kai Rockz :P: FINALLY.

Me: My thoughts exactly.

Me: Except now he’s pretending to be pissed about the whole thing and insists we go out. I think he needs to blow off steam.

Kai Rockz :P: I thought he was already doing that in the bathroom.

Me: I can’t imagine I’ve just helped the situation by telling you that.

Kai Rockz :P: It’ll be fun. Boys’ night out :)

Me: Save me, please.

Kai Rockz :P: I’ll be waiting to hear all about it tomorrow. Go be social.

Me: Or I can stay home and we can video chat while I finally pick up the dreaded clothes pile on my floor?

Kai Rockz :P: Nice try. Go, Jojo. Love you!!!¡¡!¡!!¡

Damn. I really thought that would get her.


Oli seemed much lighter than before, though still quite pensive. We kicked around on the street with our hands in our pockets as he led me to wherever the hell he was taking me. All I knew was that I was not tucked away safely in our dorm room readying myself to sleep, but instead exposed to the cool evening air that threatened to keep me conscious against my will.

“What are we doing?” I asked, dragging my toes as I walked.

“We need to get out, man.” He didn’t even look at me as he spoke. He just kept his gaze forward and shook his head as if he were tired of repeating things like that to me. “It’s been over a year since we got here and the most interesting thing that’s happened to us is that I hooked up with my project partner in the library.”

I stuck my hands out to the sides. “What do you mean, Oli? That’s incredibly interesting. That’s the whole college experience, isn’t it? That’s enough for the both of us, so I say we turn in.” I had no idea why he was being such a dick about the whole thing. He could pretend to hate June all he wanted, but I knew the truth the second he first mentioned her name.

“Jonah, I don’t want to be here any more than you do. But we need to try and have some fun while we are.”

And there it was. Neither of us wanted to fucking be here, so why were we forcing it? “Oli, man. Honestly, I think we turn in. Not to the dorm. I mean…turn in.”

He stopped in his tracks, his giant body lurching forward in anticipation of the next step that never came. We stood on a cement walkway in the middle of campus, making our way through a green space that was lit only by a few lanky lamp posts. It was terrible, truthful lighting that amplified the reality of our situation.

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