Page 30 of Thawing the CEO

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Vivian was in her office, as usual. Her expression became guarded when Emma walked in, but her voice was perfectly polite. “Emma, how can I help you?”

“May I sit down?”

Emma clutched the sheet of paper she was holding in sweaty hands.

“Of course.”

Emma sat down and steeled herself. She put the piece of paper on Vivian’s desk. “I would like to hand in my resignation.”

Shock and something else Emma couldn’t quite read rippled across Vivian’s face before she quickly composed her expression behind walls of ice.

“I see. Are you unhappy here, Emma? Is there anything I can do to fix it?”

Emma shook her head, her eyes on the corner of the desk. “No, there isn’t anything. There’s nothing wrong with the workplace environment. This is one of the best places I’ve ever worked at. It’s just too hard, after everything…”

Emma hoped that Vivian wouldn’t make her explain further, and Vivian quickly made that hope a reality.

“I see. I’ll be sorry to see you go, Emma, but I wish you all the best. I will give you excellent references for wherever you apply next.”

“Thanks, I appreciate it.” Emma bit her lip, trying to hold back tears. Some small part of her had been hoping that Vivian would try to convince her to stay. Honestly, it wouldn’t have taken that much convincing. While she knew that Vivian was simply trying to respect her boundaries, she was still hurt. This was yet another instance in which Vivian simply didn’t want to fight for her.

It only confirmed the decision Emma had already made.

“Thank you, Vivian. I’ll do my two week’s notice, of course, and I can help with finding you a new assistant.”

“I appreciate that, but it won’t be necessary. I don’t want you to stay here if you’re unhappy, Emma. You’re free to leave when you wish. I’ll be fine for now, and I can find a new assistant in my own time.”

Vivian’s words felt like a punch to the gut. Emma knew how much extra work it would be for Vivian to be without a personal assistant while she went through the vetting process of finding someone new. Did Vivian really want her gone so badly that she would put herself through such an ordeal just to have Emma gone sooner?

Maybe Vivian had been hoping Emma would resign. She wouldn’t fire her, of course, not when Emma hadn’t done anything wrong, but judging by Vivian’s response to her resignation, it seemed like her decision was more of a blessing to Vivian than an inconvenience.

She needed to get out of here before she started crying. “Thanks, Vivian. I wish you all the best in the future.”

This was the last time she’d ever see her. Emma looked once more into Vivian’s dark haunted eyes for a long moment before the urge to cry became too much and she had to flee the room.

She grabbed her bag, making the decision to leave the rest of her stuff. She could buy new stationery and files. Emma managed to make it to the car before the tears came. She blinked constantly as she drove home, trying to clear her vision.

Thankfully, it was still a few hours before she had to pick Lily up from school, so she had time to compose herself.

Emma made herself a cup of tea, trying to get her tears under control. This was a good thing, she told herself. It was exactly what she wanted. She and Vivian had ended things on good terms, and she had the job she had been aiming for.

She typed out a quick email to Alex, telling him she accepted his offer. Emma sipped on her tea, trying desperately to think of anything other than Vivian.

Alex’s response, about ten minutes later, did a good job of distracting her. He was enthusiastic and wanted her to start on Monday.

The thought of working for someone else made Emma feel vaguely ill, but she knew that throwing herself into a new project would be good for her.

This chapter in her life was closed. She was glad that she’d be working for a man this time around. There was no chance of her falling in love with him. Emma didn’t think she could take any more heartache.



Vivian stared at the closed door. She was still in shock. She’d done a good job of holding it together in front of Emma, but internally, she felt like she was falling apart.

She should probably have been prepared for this. Of course, Emma would want to leave after how Vivian had treated her. However, Vivian had stuck her head in the sand, choosing to believe that Emma would keep working for her, and she was paying for it now.

Emma’s lovely big brown eyes looking at her hopefully had nearly broken her.

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