Page 29 of Thawing the CEO

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Though it felt like a stone in her chest, Emma started looking for a different position at other companies.

She didn’t have any trouble lining up interviews. She knew that she was good at her job and she had the experience to prove it.

Emma was unenthusiastic, but she was sure that enthusiasm would come. It had to, right?

She felt only a small spark of satisfaction when the company that was her top choice—a huge international makeup brand—got back to her and offered her an interview.

Emma took the day off work, citing a personal matter. Vivian didn’t question it, as Emma had been counting on. Vivian took her employees at their word when they said they needed time off and never pried unless the information was volunteered freely.

Emma dressed carefully for the day and practiced her smile in the mirror. It would do no good to arrive at the interview looking miserable.

The office was near Lily’s school, which would make things a lot more convenient for her if she did get the job. Even that thought failed to generate much positive emotion within her, but Emma did her best to hold onto the facts and the logical knowledge that that was a good step.

When she arrived at the interview, she was directed to an office on the top floor. It was different from Vivian’s, which many more personal items, making it feel more homey and less intimidating.

Alex Founder, the CEO, looked up as she came in.

“Emma, I take it? Please come in.”

“Thank you. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Founder.”

“Please, call me Alex. I always feel like people are making fun of me when they call me Founder. I’ve heard one too many jokes about being the founder of my own company and living up to my surname.”

He chuckled and Emma offered a weak smile in return. “Alex, then.” She did her best to inject some enthusiasm into her voice, though she wasn’t sure how well she did at it.

“So, tell me a bit more about yourself, Emma.”

Emma had been expecting the question and was prepared for it. “I grew up in a small town three hours from here. I didn’t dislike small-town life, but I always dreamed of moving to a city and taking my career further. My wife died a few years ago, and I felt like I was finally ready to start a new chapter of my life. I moved here with my daughter. We’ve been in the city for several months.”

“You’ve been working at Sterling Enterprises, correct?”

Emma did her best not to grimace. “That’s right.”

“Why the move? I know Vivian Sterling by reputation and it’s not very often that her employees choose to leave. She certainly makes for a competitive employer.”

Emma had expected this question too, but that didn’t make answering it much easier. “There were some personal issues between me and Vivian. You’re right in that she’s a great employer, but we simply weren’t a good match. I bear her no ill will, and I’ve appreciated my time working for her, but I think it’s time for me to move on. I’ll take what experience I gained with her gratefully and apply the skills I’ve learned to my new job.”

The rest of the questions were easier. Alex asked about her experience, strengths and weaknesses. He seemed happy with her answers, and Emma’s enthusiasm rose a bit. The interview took about half an hour, and at the end of it, Alex produced a sheath of papers.

“Well, I have to say I’m impressed, both with your interview and with your resume and supporting documents. I’d like to offer you the job.”

Emma hadn’t been expecting that. This was what she wanted, but now that the time was so unexpectedly upon her, she balked. She quickly tried to order her scrambled thoughts.

“I’ve got a few other interviews lined up. You are my top choice, but I’ve already committed to those interviews, and I want to keep that commitment. Can I get back to you in a few days?”

“Of course. I respect your desire to keep your word. Can I expect to hear back from you by the end of the week?”

“Definitely. I’ll be in touch.”

“Thanks, Emma.”

“Thank you, Alex. I hope to see you soon.”

“You can count on it.”

Emma saw herself out of the building, feeling thoroughly downcast. She had exactly what she wanted, but it had failed to make her happy. Perhaps happiness would come, but for now, all she felt was dread.

She had been putting this off for too long. It was time.

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