Page 23 of Thawing the CEO

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She reached her own hand behind her and snuck it inside Vivian’s panties that were already wet, inching her way to the spot she wanted. She could tell that she had it right when Vivian moaned loudly, breaking away from their kiss to gasp for air.

Emma sat up and began to rub Vivian’s clitoris as she ground her own clit against Vivian’s body. Emma rocked back and forth with increasing urgency.

She was already thinking of what she wanted to do to Vivian next when Vivian suddenly stiffened and cried out, her hands grabbing Emma’s hips and moving her at a harder and faster pace.

Emma let Vivian move her however she wanted as she rode out her orgasm. Vivian looked so beautiful when she came, covered in a light sheen of sweat with all her muscles flexing under her skin.

She finally went limp, looking up at Emma with red cheeks. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened. I had meant to last longer…”

Emma leaned forward to kiss her. “No need to apologize. That was so hot. I love to see you lose control like that.”

“Let me fuck you now.”

Oh fuck, Emma hadn’t been expecting the shiver of desire Vivian’s commanding voice sent through her.

“Yes, please.”

She pulled her pyjamas off and lay back and spread her legs, hoping Vivian wouldn’t make her wait long. Vivian stripped off her own nightshirt and immediately moved between Emma’s legs.

Fuck, she looks so sexy.

Emma’s eyes ran over Vivian’s small pert breasts and her toned body. Mostly it was the look of hunger in Vivian’s dark eyes that was driving Emma crazy.

Vivian dove right in without hesitation, sliding first one, then two fingers inside Emma’s waiting pussy.

Emma felt her walls clenching around Vivian’s fingers as Vivian quickly started thrusting in and out.

Mmmm. This is what I needed.

“Faster,” Emma panted. Nothing had felt this divine since… well, since the last time Vivian’s fingers were inside her.

Vivian went faster. There was no teasing, no hesitation. She had come hard and fast and seemed determined to give Emma the same high.

That wouldn’t be difficult. She could feel her G spot coming alive with the exquisite pleasure inside of her. Emma was already hurtling toward the edge as Vivian added another finger inside of her and then all it took was Vivian’s thumb to press on her clit and she was gone. She arched into Vivian’s fingers as the world whited out with pleasure.

She could feel Vivian’s fingers acutely on and in her, seeming to reach all through her body, sending waves of pleasure with them.

Emma lost track of time. When the orgasm finally faded, she was vaguely aware of Vivian removing her fingers and sitting back.

Emma knew that she needed to act quickly before Vivian’s mind caught up with her body.

“Vivian, listen to me.” She took Vivian’s hand in hers, squeezing it and waiting for their eyes to meet.

“This isn’t a mistake. We have something special here—I know you can feel it too.”

Vivian didn’t deny it. “That doesn’t change anything.”

“Why not?” Emma decided to put all her cards on the table. “Come out with me. Let’s go on a date. I can’t promise it’ll work out, but if we don’t try, we’ll never know. We should give this a real shot. If we don’t, it’ll just be another regret at a lost opportunity.”

Vivian’s expression was torn as she cut her gaze away from Emma. “I can’t.”

“Do you mind telling me why not?”

“I told you; I distanced myself from people when I started my business. Even though I’m established now and no longer a startup, that just means it’s even more important. It’s more than just my dreams on the line now. People depend on me—everyone from clients, to employees, to charities we donate to, to other businesses we have agreements with. I can’t fuck this up.”

“And you think having personal relationships—even friendships—would do that?”

“I think I can’t take the risk.”

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