Page 22 of Thawing the CEO

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Vivian hesitated again, but it seemed she had opened up enough. “We should get out of this hot tub before we turn into prunes.”

Emma laughed, glancing at her fingers. “Yeah, I guess so.”

They spent the rest of the day planning what they wanted to do for the next few days. Vivian wanted to go bowling, and there was a local painting class that Emma wanted to try out.

She was so busy planning fun activities with Vivian that she even forgot to be nervous about what would happen at bedtime.

However, those nerves returned in full force when Victoria suggested they get ready for bed. Emma wondered if Vivian had been serious about sleeping on the floor. What if she hadn’t?

It seemed Vivian had been serious, because she pulled one of the blankets from the bed and wrapped herself up in it, so that she was lying on one side with the other side curled around her like a sleeping bag.

“Wake me up if it’s too uncomfortable. We can always switch.”

“Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. Goodnight, Emma.”


Emma was tired from a long day, but she couldn’t fall asleep. She was too busy listening to Vivian toss and turn on the floor. Vivian was obviously uncomfortable. Emma didn’t like it. The more she listened, the more antsy she got, until she had absolutely no chance of falling asleep.

She could tell Vivian that they should switch places, but she doubted Vivian would accept that. She wasn’t one to push her suffering onto others.

“Come here, Vivian.”

“No, I’m fine, Emma. I volunteered to take the first turn on the floor. I’ll get used to it.”

“Really, there’s no need for one of us to sleep on the floor. Come on, get into bed. I’m sure we’ll keep to our own sides this time.”

Vivian hesitated for a moment before sighing. “This floor feels like it’s made of concrete,” she grumbled as she got up with a groan. She climbed into bed as far away from Emma was possible. “Goodnight. Again.”

“Goodnight, Vivian.”

Emma’s body probably knew better than to get itself into such an embarrassing entanglement two nights in a row. Surely, her body wouldn’t betray her in that way.

As it turned out, Emma’s body did not know better, and was perfectly wiling to betray her.

She woke up the next morning, once more intertwined with Vivian. This time, Vivian’s head was resting on Emma’s shoulder and her arm was thrown across Emma’s torso. Their legs were slotted like puzzle pieces, one on top of the other.

Fuck. Again.

Why couldn’t it have been Vivian to wake up first? Emma clearly sucked at wriggling out of these situations, but she had to try. She didn’t even manage to free one leg before Vivian stirred.

“Emma—oh! Shit, again. I’m so sorry, Emma.”

“Not your fault,” Emma sighed. “I was the one who said we could handle sleeping in the same bed together. Obviously, we can’t.”

Vivian laughed. “No, I guess not.”

Emma laughed too, and then both of them were chuckling heartily, shaking the bed slightly with their mirth.

Vivian looked so beautiful when she laughed. Their laughter died out as they simply stared into each other’s eyes. Emma got lost in the intensity of it. She saw the decision in Vivian’s rich dark brown eyes and let her own eyes flutter shut.

Vivian’s lips met Emma’s in a soft kiss. Emma kissed her back, exploring Vivian’s lips, aware that at any moment, Vivian could panic and pull back.

However, she didn’t. Vivian put a hand behind Emma’s neck and tilted her head up to deepen the kiss.

Emma moaned and made good use of their tangled legs by simply rolling them over, ending with her on top, straddling Vivian’s hips.

They didn’t stop kissing throughout the movement and continued with increased fervor as Emma ground herself enthusiastically onto Vivian, spreading her legs so that her clit was getting perfect pressure against Vivian’s stomach.

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