Page 24 of Thawing the CEO

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“I don’t understand,” Emma admitted. “Did you learn this from your parents? Does the rest of your family take the same view?”

“No. They’re actually rather concerned about how I’ve isolated myself, but I’m fine. They don’t need to worry about anything.”

“Neither do you. You must know that of all the successful businesses in the world, almost all of them have CEOs with personal relationships—romantic relationships as well as friendships.”

“I know… but I still think it’s too risky.”

“Is that thought really based on fact? Or is it just an irrational fear? You think it’s risky, but there are hundreds, if not thousands, of examples of businesses doing well without their leaders holding themselves back in this way.”

Vivian pursed her lips. “I see your point… but there’s still a chance it could ruin everything, especially if I was with an employee.”

“There’s a chance the stock market could crash tomorrow. There’s a chance that some maniac could decide to fire nukes tomorrow and the business falls apart amidst the resulting war. There is always a chance that things will go wrong, but there is also always a chance they will go right. Is your happiness really not worth taking that chance?”

“Who said I’m unhappy?”

“Well, are you?”

Vivian bit her lip. “I’m not… unhappy, exactly.”

“But you’re lonely?” Emma guessed.

Vivian nodded. “I… Well, you make a good argument, Emma. Let’s… Let’s try, then. But don’t be upset if I decide it’s actually not something I can do. I’m still very unsure about this…”

Emma squeezed Vivian’s hand again. “I understand. We can navigate this together. Both of us have insecurities and fears, but everyone does. Like you say, you might change your mind—or I might—but the least we can do is try.”

Emma doubted she’d change her mind, nor that the lingering insecurities about moving on after Alison would stop her from pursuing Vivian, but she didn’t say that now. She was scared to say the wrong thing lest Vivian change her mind.

“You’re right. Let’s try, then. Though… you’ll have to guide me. I’ve never dated before.”

“It’s easy, really. Honestly, the activities we’ll be doing probably won’t change much. We’ll do fun things together—get to know each other a bit better. And of course, if you’re willing, more of this.”

Emma ran her hand down Vivian’s thigh, smiling to herself.

“That sounds easy enough—not to mention pleasant. So, we’re still on for that painting class?”

“Yep. Our first date.” Emma resisted the urge to leap to her feet and whoop in delight at the thought.

“I should warn you, the last time I tried to paint, a woman on the street saw me carrying my attempt back to the car. I don’t understand everything that she said, but I got the impression she was trying to ward off demons.”

Emma snorted. “You can’t be that bad.”

“Trust me, I can.”

“We’ll see.”



“Itold you so.”

“I didn’t believe you.”

“But you do now.” It wasn’t a question.

“Um. Maybe?” Emma didn’t want to be offensive, but Vivian’s painting was… well, it looked like something out of a horror movie, to be honest. And not in a good way.

“Admit it, you totally do.”

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