Page 61 of You Could Do Better

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“So before, after this last time, you were disgusted by me?”

Chris cringed. “It’s not personal.”

“But it will probably happen again.”

“I hope not, but probably, yes.”

“But if I’m mean to you, it’ll go away.”

“I think so, yeah.”

Joq smiled, nothing humorous about it. The only light they had was the moonlight, Joq’s face clear in the blue shadows. Chris listened to the water lapping gently all around them, the sound which had become their peaceful home for the last month. It’d been perfect, idyllic, and they’d co-existed so amicably. Now Chris had no idea where it was going to go. What guy wanted to put up with this bullshit? Well, probably a lot of them since Chris came with billions of dollars, but Joq was as impressed with his money as he was with this conversation by the looks of his face—not very.

“But what if that doesn’t work,” Joq mused.

Chris was just grateful he was even entertaining it.

Until another horrible thought dawned on him. If Chris was going to blow hot and cold on him for the rest of their lives, Joq might have to find satisfaction elsewhere.

He gripped Joq’s biceps too tightly.

Joq made a disgruntled sound but Chris needed to hold him there.

“Do you think you can still be with me?” he asked.

“I don’t know, probably,” Joq replied. “Unfortunately, I kind of like you too.”

Not a ringing endorsement, but Chris would absolutely take it.

“Promise me,” he started and met Joq’s eyes, he swallowed, “promise me you won’t get your needs met elsewhere if I have a time where this happens and it takes a while to come back.”

Joq frowned. “Go elsewhere? You mean fuck someone else?”

Chris tightened his hold. He was jealous just at the fucking words. “Yes.”

“You realise I’m not going to die if I don’t have sex, right?”

“Just promise me, please,” Chris shook him and Joq gave him a warning look. Chris loosened his hold a tiny bit.

“Chris, I’d never cheat on you.”

“Or leave me and fuck someone else.”

“I can’t promise we won’t ever break up, but I’m willing to stay with you and your stupid, broken dick.”

Chris laughed, relieved. “Okay, good, that’s good.”

“Can you let me go now?”

“Where are you going?”

“To bed?”

“Okay, good.”

Chris let him go and Joq rolled his eyes, but dutifully went back inside and slipped into bed.

Chris didn’t know what to do with himself. He was full of adrenaline. He went inside and stood at the end of the bed.

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