Page 21 of You Could Do Better

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Chris shook his head as he turned on his laptop and opened his emails. He scrolled through and saw nothing. He checked their share price. Down slightly, but that was to be expected with news of one of the American players building a rival product since Chris had shot down their takeover bid with a firm “Over my dead body.”

He tapped his lip with his forefinger and thought about Joq’s lips brushing softly against his own. He wondered how normal people functioned if fucking someone and wanting to do it again always felt like this.

He was typing a message before he could talk himself out of it.

His invitation to dinner received a swift reply: laughter. Not an emoji, the actual words, Haha.

He typed around his own incredulous laughter.

Is that a yes?

He watched the message bubble as he felt Brendan enter the office with his effusive greeting for everyone working on the downstairs floor, and he knew he’d only have a minute before Brendan was in here, insisting Chris reconsider selling at least part of the majority share holdings to “make the cash now for another investment.”

No matter how many times Chris explained the power of equity over selling assets, Brendan wouldn’t hear it. Brendan hated the risk factor and he liked cash. A sure-fire way to have money while you were working and nothing when you were a decade into retirement and certainly no legacy for your next generation. Not that Chris had to worry about the latter, but he had a half-sister on his mum’s side who probably would one day.

It’s not a no, popped up.

Chris shook his head and smiled.

“Terry! You look divine today!” Brendan said as he came up the stairs.

“I wear a variation of the same thing every day,” Terry said.

Chris pulled up the webpage to his favourite restaurant, sent Joq the link and wrote, 7pm.

“And every day, you make it work,” Brendan said, which Terry ignored and told Brendan Chris was busy, which Brendan ignored.

“Morning, boss,” he said as he strolled in.

Chris threw his phone on his desk like he wasn’t invested in the reply, and looked at Brendan.

“Morning, don’t start,” he replied.

“Don’t start what? I was just coming in to point out the share price is down,” he responded as he flicked his suit jacket back and took a seat on the couch, one leg coming up to cross over his knee.

“I know. It’s a dip, it’ll be fine,” he flicked his eyes to his darkening phone screen.

“It’s just, hear me out, okay?” Brendan sat forward. “We could sell twenty percent, it’s only twenty—


“Then we could use that to fund the prototype—


“And we’d double what we just did.”

Chris’ phone lit up. He reached for it as casually as he could.

And that’s a no.

Chris frowned.

Brendan was still talking, banging on about the merits of a sure thing. Chris snorted; no such thing as a sure thing in the tech market.

“I need to make a call,” he stood and Brendan stood as well, slightly alarmed.

“Who to?”

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