Page 20 of You Could Do Better

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“Shit,” Chris gasped and craned his head back.

Joq met his eyes and raised an eyebrow.

“Enjoying yourself?” Chris asked, his face flushed, his smile undimmed.

“Yeah,” Joq ran his hands down Chris’ sides and watched him shiver.

Chris gave him an odd look.


“Nothing,” Chris shook his head and slid forward on the bed with a groan.

Joq got the condom off and got up, went for the bathroom. He splashed water on his face and looked at himself. He looked relaxed; sated and something else.


He shook his head at himself. Not the time to be getting introspective; the antics from earlier were enough.

He went out and found Chris sprawled on his back, the sheet between his legs.

“You’re leaving?” Chris asked.

Joq wasn’t planning on it. But, “I can go if you want, yeah.”

Chris tilted his head to the side and watched Joq pull his boxers and pants back on.

“No,” he said slowly like he was realising something profound. “Stay, please.”

“To fuck again,” Joq replied, but he was dead tired, so he crawled back up the bed, found himself sprawling on Chris’ chest when Chris opened his arms and tugged him in, one hand running up and down Joq’s back in soothing sweeps.

“Yeah,” Chris breathed out. “Yeah, we could fuck again.”

“Nap first,” Joq sank into the touch.

Chris kissed the top of his head and something about it made Joq ache, but he was sleepy and drifting, and the last thing he heard was Chris saying. “Yes, nap, then it’s my turn,” that hand never ceasing in the most soothing caress.


Chris tried and failed to shake off the giddy feeling running up and down his limbs, the nervous bubbling in his stomach as he walked to work the following morning. The fog of winter was lifting slowly against the warm sunshine of spring, and he still had the sense-memory of Joq’s body pressing against his.

He’d woken early to the sound of soft rain, the feel of a heavy body pressing on top of his own. Without thought, he’d run his hand up the bare spine, ran it back down to tuck under the waistband, sweeping his fingers along Joq’s tailbone, dragging lower in an exploratory tease. The only thing that bothered him, he realised, was the tongue of the zipper on Joq’s open pants digging into this abdomen.

He wasn’t repulsed. He wasn’t filled with an urge to slide out from under that weight and hide in the shower until Joq got the hint and left—quite the contrary. He’d tugged Joq closer with a palm on his ass, kissed his hairline, rolled his hips so his dick could slide against the material of Joq’s pants, rub up against the dick hardening next to his own.

When Joq had woken with a sleepy groan, Chris was ready and waiting to kiss him deeply, ask him in a whisper if this was okay. A sleepy nod and Chris was rolling Joq under him, getting his pants off, kissing him as he fumbled for the lube and a condom.

He was sliding in and fucking Joq with deep rolls of his hips before Joq was fully awake, Joq’s hands tight on his ass to haul him closer, his soft moans all the permission Chris needed.

Chris waited again after he’d come for the feelings of revulsion to wash over him—he felt like he was balanced on the edge of a precipice. Only it didn’t; his lips continued to explore Joq’s throat while he stayed buried deep inside him, hips rocking, while his thumbs caressed Joq’s sharp hipbones.

It was Joq who nudged him off when their eyes met. Joq who got up, showered quickly and left with an unreadable smile and a thank you.

Chris had fallen back against the pillows and tried to catch his breath even though he’d been long recovered.

He wondered at Joq’s reluctance as he made his way into his building, the old brokerage firm his grandfather had started and Chris maintained as the bread and butter for the company. He couldn’t figure out if it was one-night-stand etiquette that made him fuck and ditch so quickly or if he didn’t want something with Chris, specifically. Chris had no right to be offended on the latter. It stung his pride anyway. He might not be built to commit, but he’d yet to fuck a guy who didn’t want that from him.

He greeted his assistant, Terry, dressed as usual in a sharp suit, expensive tie and hair dyed an obnoxious pink to match her bright lipstick, and thought again about Joq having a moment in his entryway. He’d looked broken.

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