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“The ceaseless court proceedings for our parents’ estate were tiring, and she was losing it. The courtroom is my playground so I could handle it, but it was a different ball game for her.”

“I noticed the pale look on her face when we met yesterday. She’s still recovering from the tragedy.”

“Yeah. She needed a fresh start, and LA was just the best option. Thankfully, my grandparents’ house is still standing strong. You are right next door to her, too.”

“That’s okay. I’m sure she will thrive here.”

“Please, watch over her, bro. Take care of her for me.”

“Say no more. Lea is family, and I will make sure she is doing very well.”

“You still haven’t gotten back to me as regards the deal with the hotel.”

“Haha! That was your punishment for keeping information away. We got the deal anyway. Signed, sealed, and delivered.”

“Now that’s what I’m talking about! Way to go, Damien. Congratulations to you!”

“This wouldn’t have been possible without you, Kelvin. Thanks to you as well. Cheers to us!”

“Cheers to us! I sincerely appreciate you. I have to run now. Court calls.”

“Okay, have a great day, and go kill ’em in there.”

“You too, bro.”

I included more items on my list as I figure I might cook a lot more since Lea is next door. This way, I can keep a close watch over her. I prepare a cup of coffee to awaken my mind for the day and skim through the news on the economy and financial markets.

Getting ready in record time is one of the major hacks for working in the corporate world. In the corporate world, it is important to spend time wisely because time is money.

I throw on my white shirt and navy blue pants to match. The gold customized tie clip I got on my trip to Thailand comes in handy. My black loafers lay in front of my door, and I slipped them on.

As I step out to my living room, I mutter affirmations. ‘The day looks bright, and I am confident that I will gain a victory today.’

As I step outside my house, I notice her car still sits in the driveway. Waking her up or distracting her preparation might not be a good one now. We would certainly catch up by evening over dinner.

My car glides gently through the driveway onto the road. I turn on soft music to calm my mind as I approach the office.

Traffic slowly builds up, but I can maneuver it through a newly discovered route. I doubt Lea would go this way. Hopefully, she knows this route if she is.

The parking spot for my car at my company building differs from the general parking lot for clients and other staff. I usually sit in my car for a few minutes before stepping out to take the day’s bull by the horns, and interruptions are not something I enjoy.

The minutes spent there are golden and comprise a considerable part of my day. This is also why I don’t want a chauffeur. My drive from my house to the office and back is almost the only time I have with myself and to set my day right.

I go over the schedule sent to me by my executive assistant to ensure I have not missed out on anything.

Another great thing about my parking spot is that it leads straight to the back entrance of my office. This way, I am not met with too many people to talk to in the morning.

I love my staff and the work they put into making this company stand out, but sometimes the salutations overwhelm me, and I’ll pass.

Right on cue, there’s a knock on my door. I signal for the person to come in, and Jenny, the head of HR, walks into my office. She must have seen my car when I drove in.

Jenny always looks ready to take on the world with the swoop of her finger.

“Good morning, Jenny. Please come in.”

“Good morning, Mr. Stone. Hope your day is off to a great start.”

“I dare say it is. Sun’s out.”

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