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I could count with my fingers the number of times I had seen Jenny laugh at a joke. She was nice and thoughtful, no doubt. However, she just had a significantly stern face.

I wondered if she went out with friends or family occasionally. We should plan a staff party soon so she can let her hair down.

“There will be an orientation for the recruits this morning. It would be nice to have you give a presentation on the company’s core values and familiarize yourself with them.”

Things like these make me arrive early to the office. Meetings might need my attention, and I wouldn’t want to be absent.

“Oh, that’s great. What time would it begin? How many recruits do we currently have?”

“They started arriving at eight. We will begin at nine and end at one. There are twelve recruits. All except one are here already. I do not think she will make it today.”

Another thing about Jenny was that she was highly principled and abhors tardiness. I already felt sorry for this recruit running late as she would face her wrath.

“Okay. I will make some time to be there. Send a reminder note to me before ten.”

“Alright then. I will include that in the order of events.”

“Good job, Jenny. Thanks.”

This was what made Jenny as efficient as she was. She had won Employee of the Year for two straight years because she always produced provable results.

One hour passes after going through files, slides, and documents that need to be signed between phone calls.

My executive assistant, Samantha, walks into my office with a cup of coffee and a note in her hand.

“You called for coffee, sir.”

“Right. Thank you.”

“The orientation for recruits has begun, and Jenny has sent you a reminder note.”

“Oh yes. You can drop that on my desk. Thank you, Samantha.”

After going over the documents for the next meeting I have after the orientation, I arrive at the conference room fifteen minutes past ten.

Jenny goes through the rigors of introducing me to the recruits, and a resounding applause comes right after.

Getting used to this type of reception every time is something I have not done.

She hands the controller for the projector to me as I take them through the beautifully designed slides of the company’s core values.

Again, Jenny was just too efficient and paid attention to the littlest details.

A distracting noise comes from the entrance as all eyes turn to the source of the sound. It appears two people are arguing outside.

The voices sound like a male and a female. The female’s voice sounds awfully familiar.

Turning around to stare at the entrance, I also notice the lady standing outside. She looks like she just got out of a wrestling contest with how scattered her hair looks.

She puts her hand up as if to wipe a tear, and I catch a glimpse of her face.

Lea? What is she doing here?

Oh no! She must be the last recruit who was running late.

I see her standing awkwardly as if contemplating being swallowed by the floor or running away. There must have been an instruction not to let her in if she arrived late.

I know how much she needs this new job and what it would do to help her get over her grief. I would have knocked on her door before leaving my house if I had known.

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