Page 64 of Royally Rebellious

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I grinned. “I missed you, too.”

And with that, we stepped out. Continuing the engagement looking very much like a couple, we listened to one another. Rick guided me through passages and crowds with his hand politely on the small of my back. It was a sign of ownership. Rick had no idea how much I relished the feeling that he had chosen me. Even if he had only partially chosen me, it was tremendous.

When we left the museum, the new exhibit was official. People cheered. Flashbulbs fired. Unfortunately, that was it. We had one more evening here. Rick stayed for dinner and then we all broke off again. It was so odd. I missed my sisters and fought homesickness like mad the minute Rick left.

I read a bit and took a walk. The idea of wandering was a novelty. Here, I was safe, but also free. It was odd. Yes, the palace was like a giant prison in lockdown, but here I could walk as I pleased. I paraded all around, taking stock of the dark corridors. The dark didn’t frighten me the way it did others. I loved the calm.

That was when I ran into someone.

“Oh, darling, are you just out here wandering?” Rick’s mother asked.

“Queen Karolina.” I bowed in a Pavlovian response. “I am sorry. I was restless.”

“Come, come.” Karolina wrapped her arm around mine as if we were sisters.

I followed her down to a tiny room. In it were two sofas, a television, and a small kitchenette.

“I will make you a hot cocoa!”

“Takk,” I thanked her.

“Why are you still up at this hour, my dear?”

“I usually have more company,” I said.

She blushed and I did the same, realising she thought I meant her son.

“Not Rick,” I said. “No, my sisters and I are close. And my sister Astrid and I often stay up late talking or reading. It makes it feel like home to have her with me. But… it’s odd to be in this scenario where no one needs anything, and no one wants anything.”

“You could have said he visited you and I would not have minded,” Karolina assured. “You two make a lovely couple. He’s protective of you. He doesn’t like that you are here, and he is there.”

“He’s protective of my sisters, too. I don’t understand it. He is a good person. I know some might disagree, but he has a good heart,” I said.

Karolina smiled. She came back with two hot cocoas.

“You see the good in him. That is sweet. He is a good boy—a tender boy. Most do not see it. I am grateful you do.”

I nodded.

Karolina let out a long sigh. “The next time you return, you will be wed.”

“It’s wild. A bit mad.”

“It is good. You will have a lifetime with one another still. You are young and have many good days left.”

I supposed she was right.

Karolina shrugged. “Marriage is hard, but gratifying. You need to do your best for one another, but that’s all you can do. It will never be equal or perfect at all, but still wonderful.”

“What is the best part?” I asked.

Karolina smiled. “Having someone who is yours—in your corner alone. Having that one person who will always stand up for you and care for you. It is beautiful in that way. August always takes care of me. Treasures me, really.”

I beamed. “That is sweet.”

“Your mother loved your father fiercely,” Karolina offered. “I don’t know how much you remember?”

“Enough,” I answered. “Papa was a complicated man. Mamma tried. She did love him very much. And sadly, he loved her more than I think she ever knew. Without her, he couldn’t go on.”

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