Page 25 of The Brides Brother

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One of the kitchen staff came over then, and after placing an order for some whiskey, she left while I crossed my legs and tried to distract myself from my fucking hard-on. I wondered truly then if I wanted to take things all the way with her because, if I didn't want to, then for my peace of mind, it was best that she went to a different house. Perhaps one of the accommodations close to the vineyard that we had arranged for our guests. However, I was aware that Aurora might object to this since she wanted her around at all times to help her with photographs.

Sighing, I decided to just put her out of my mind and concentrate on my work. Nearly an hour later, however, I heard soft laughter emerging from the house. More than anything, I was annoyed by the interruption, but all of that quickly dissipated as I looked towards the pool and saw the two girls taking off the cover-ups they had worn over their bathing suits. I immediately made out Aurora as she revealed the pink one-piece swimsuit she had underneath. I could see the slight bulge of her belly for her pregnancy and couldn’t help but worry that it wasn’t entirely safe for her to be swimming. However, when I turned to the woman that was also stripping by her side, all thoughts and concerns for my lovely sister immediately dissipated.

She had on a black bikini and although it was supposed to be covered, I imagined. It didn't

seem to be her size. And thus, it was so skimpy that the panties disappeared into her fucking ass. The bra barely covered her breasts, and she was so self-conscious about this that she immediately dove into the pool, hiding all of this from sight. I could hear Aurora shouting words of encouragement to her; however, she didn’t seem convinced.

Getting out of the pool, she dried off then grabbed the camera bag she had brought along, retrieved the DSLR, and started taking pictures. She stood at the edge, moving slowly, but the tiny bra strap made her quite uncomfortable. I knew that it was only a matter of time before they noticed my presence; however, I found myself unable to look away. My dick definitely wouldn’t let me, and so eventually, as she took her pictures, her lens turned towards me, and she took the shot.

She seemed shocked for a moment as our eyes met through the lens, and then she lowered it down to stare in my direction. Aurora had been diligently swimming, but the second she noticed that Evelyn had more or less frozen, she turned and smiled when she finally realized what had caught her attention.

"Drake!" she called out; however, it was a struggle for me to take my eyes off Evelyn. I fucking couldn’t understand what it was about this woman that turned me on so much. In a moment, she turned around as though she hadn’t seen me and continued with her work.

“Come join us,” Aurora shouted, and I shook my head at her.

It was my cue to leave then because I was now so uncomfortable that it was nearly unbearable to remain seated. So, I got up and immediately left. The library was better, plus I was in the midst of resolving something crucial plus she was too much of a distraction for me to stomach.

The time quickly passed by, and it was especially enjoyable because, unlike in the office, I didn't have phones ringing or anyone knocking and demanding an audience every five minutes. Suddenly, about an hour later, I heard a small knock on the door. At first, I was sure I had misheard it because I wondered how anyone could possibly be looking for me. Frowning, I lifted my gaze, wondering if it was one of the housekeepers, but then, instead, whom I saw coming in cautiously and carefully was the current object of my attraction.

Chapter Sixteen


Aurora had told me about him. Even if this was supposed to be a vacation, he would, of course, be working, and thus he would be in the library. She also explained to me when I worried about him leaving that I shouldn't bother about that because he hated being distracted.

"But he can't complain because this is literally a family space," she said, so I didn't worry about it; he's in the library so he can focus. I, however, couldn't help wondering if it was because of me. Every time I had run into him so far, he had barely spared me a glance, and then he had gone out of his way to not be in the same space I was.

Sure, he had offended me immensely when we had met up. But now, according to my suspicion from back then, that perhaps he had gotten angry because I had said something that had hurt him, I couldn't help thinking that this was the reason why he couldn’t even stand the sight of me. I didn't care, and I shouldn't have cared; however, it was making me very uncomfortable. Plus, with the bikini that Aurora had forced me to wear since I hadn’t brought any along, I was sure that the show I had put on for anyone who had eyes wasn’t exactly the most decent. I was much more endowed than Aurora, I now knew for a fact since I had imagined from the beginning that we were the same frame and size. But as her new bikini could barely fit my ass, breasts, and hips, I understood now that I was much thicker than I had earlier judged.

Anyway, I wanted to clear the air for my peace of mind because I couldn't imagine going through the rest of this week this on edge. For one, all this anxiety was making me so fucking horny that I could barely think straight. It wasn't because I wanted to do anything with him; it was just because something about my nerves being so raw and frayed was making me so sensitive that I had even forgone wearing underwear because even the rub of the fabric against my clit was torture. I couldn't understand it, but I was pretty sure that getting back on somewhat good and platonic terms with Drake would increase my chances of returning back to normal.

I had already rehearsed what to say; I had my camera in hand and would, of course, act as though I had just been scouting locations in the mansion. I would then mistakenly wander into the library and after explaining myself and, of course, apologizing, I would head out and move on with my life, and most importantly, be able to wear panties again. Determined for this to be the outcome and conclusion of my evening, I knocked again even though the previous time had yielded no response, and then I received the call from him or whoever was to come in. His tone was gruff and slightly annoyed at the intrusion, but I admonished myself and my shaky knees that all I had to do was say what I wanted to and be on my way. It was up to him to accept it or not. I had no possible say over that.

Hence, I pushed the door open, and my heart jumped into my throat. I didn’t want to be nervous because if I acted nervous, then of course, I would feel too vulnerable, and it was the last thing I wanted. So, I took my time in shutting the door behind me and then paused for a few seconds to breathe.

Thankfully, he remained silent and wasn't too brash and impatient, ready to throw me out the moment we made eye contact. Instead, he waited until I turned around, and then he met my gaze. Truthfully, I was a bit surprised at his state. I had expected that he would be sulking in a corner; instead, he was at his desk with a book open before him and a bottle of scotch. He didn't seem angry or stressed. Instead, it was as though he was having a chill evening and enjoying himself. I expected this, though, to change at any moment, and so I quickly said what I wanted to.

"Um, sorry," I apologized. "I was just going around scouting locations." I had stuttered on that one and not sounded nearly as nervous as I had practiced, but it was acceptable, I guessed, since he hadn't kicked me out yet.

"Um… " I stared at his gorgeous face then and completely forgot what I wanted to say. And so, to my horror, my body reacted before my mind could even step in to bail myself out. I turned around and started to walk away, but then at the last moment, I stopped myself.

"You want to take pictures here?" he asked, and I let out a deep sigh of relief because even that question was enough to make me think. I turned around then to meet his gaze and nodded.

“Not now, though,” I said, "I'm just trying to familiarize myself with the house to see if there are any particular shots that would... I mean spectacular locations that would come out particularly well."

"Okay," he said, obviously far from interested, and then he returned his attention to his book. I was able to think then. I probably had a few seconds, and thus tried to put my sentences together. However, when I realized that this would be absolutely fruitless, I decided to just say what came to my mind.

“Um.. I wanted to apologize,” I said, and although my voice was low and croaky, he heard me loud and clear. He raised his head to look at me, and even though his face was expressionless, I still continued speaking before I could completely lose my confidence.

"About last time," I said. "I hadn’t meant to be rude; I wouldn't have asked the question I asked if I had known you would react that way."

At my words, he watched me, and even though I wasn't expecting us to kiss and make up, I still hadn’t anticipated him just staring at me either.

And then, once again, he surprised me.

"Is that true?" he asked, however, I didn't understand what he was asking me.

"What do you mean?"

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