Page 100 of The Third Son

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Tanner came to stand at Kellan’s side. “What about me?”

“Didn’t matter, boy.” Their grandfather reached out to grasp his brother’s shoulder, but Tanner backed away from his touch. “In her mind, your brother and her sister would always come first.”

You fucking piece of shit. How dare you lay that on him?

Kellan shook his head in disgust, curling his arm around his brother.

“Amanda was still warm when she told me what she done.” Not a hint of emotion. He could’ve been talking about the weather, or the projected value of cattle. “She gave me the vials and syringes. Told me she was sorry, begged me to never tell a soul, and I didn’t. Not Maizie, or even my brother. I’m thinkin’ she musta been from his seed, never could trust him. And I couldn’t trust Heather no more, either. She left me no choice. Couldn’t trust her not to hurt your brother or you.”

“You killed my mother?”

“To protect you, boy.”

Jesus. Fuck.

Hadn’t they been trying to tell him that? Tanner had to come to the realization of it on his own, he supposed. They’d been wrong about one thing, though. Never would’ve thought it was Heather who killed her sister. This was so fucked up. Like that wouldn’t weigh heavy on Tanner’s heart.

“And Jennifer? Was that to protect me, too?”

“Nah.” Cigar in his fingers, his hand flopped over, ash dropping to the floor. “That was to keep you here. Couldn’t have you chasin’ after some stupid chit all the way to Denver.”

Tanner’s green eyes widened. “You’re mad.”

“Knew with her mama gone, she’d never leave that baby behind. Did ya a favor.” Grinning, he drew smoke into his lungs and exhaled. “Besides, your daddy was too happy fuckin’ her, and he don’t deserve the favor of a third son after what he done to my girls.”

“I can’t hear any more of this.” Scrubbing his face, Tanner turned away.

“Get him out of here.” Victor nodded to his sons. “I’ll go talk to Maizie.”

“You can’t do this, boy!” Jacoby shouted in protest as Jake and Billy restrained him. “I’m your blood.”

How the fuck dare you?

Kellan pointed to Dad. “That man is my blood. Tanner. Benjamin. Arien is in my blood and she’s carryin’ mine.” Looking upon the man he once called his kin, Kellan balled his fists. “I’m a Brooks. You ain’t shit to me no more.”

“It’s over, son.” Matthew watched as they led Jacoby out the door. “Let the council deal with him now.”

A curse had indeed been upon them.

And it had a name.

A name he would never speak of again.

Gazing at snow softly falling on the mountains, Arien rubbed her fingers over her tummy. Three months along now, it was no longer flat, but she didn’t have a bump yet, either. More of a thickening, she supposed.

She chuckled to herself, remembering the day she got out of that U-Haul a little over a year ago. If anyone had told her then, this was the place she’d think of as home, she would have told them they were fucking crazy.

Actually, I did say that. A lot.

Funny, how she never thought of Denver anymore. Not like that. It was just a place. She had fond memories of it, but her heart wasn’t there. This land had seeped into her skin, as much as her cowboys had stolen her heart and branded their names upon her soul. Everything and everyone she loved was here.

Turning from the window, Arien kicked back on the sofa with her iPad and began to write.

My blog turns one today, and I honestly can’t believe it’s been a whole year since I wrote that very first post. You can bet we’ll be having some coconut macaroon panna cotta cake here at the ranch tonight to celebrate. Like all new beginnings, it brought a lot of excitement, and hope, and thrill, and a sense of adventure. Along the way, I’ve learned so many things, and I realized that I know nothing still.

When I started this little school project of mine, I thought I had a pretty good idea what I was getting myself into. I didn’t. But then nothing could have prepared me for what was to come. This blog, the website, and YouTube channel are a labor of love, a constant source of inspiration and creative energy, that fuels my passion and feeds my soul. The food styling and photography, cooking and recipe creation, storytelling and editing—I am grateful for every single moment of it.

There’s so much I still need to learn, and so much I still want to share with you. My blog is not a niche blog, but whatever you find here, you can be sure it’s something really special, and unique, if not a little unconventional.

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