Page 101 of The Third Son

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I couldn’t reach my hundredth post by my blogiversary like I was planning to, and I didn’t share as many photographs of this beautiful place I’m lucky enough to call home as I wanted, but I hope to rectify that. Between getting married, having twins on the way, and Sunday always at my feet—well, let me just say, ranch life can be pretty crazy sometimes…

Warm breath fanned her face. Soft lips skimmed her cheek. “Mornin’, pretty girl.”

“Hey, cowboy.” Arien smiled up at Tanner leaning down over the sofa from behind her.

He kissed her lips, hopping over the back of the couch like the paddock fence to sit beside her. “Whatcha doin’?”

“My anniversary post.” Snuggling into him, she laid her head on his shoulder. “Thought I’d work on it while I was waiting for you and Kellan. Where is he?”

“He’s comin’.”

“We don’t wanna be late.” Arien brushed her fingers along his jaw. “I’m never late.”

“Well, you were once.”

She lifted her head. “When? Name one time…”

“Back in November.” Tanner bent over and kissed her tummy. “How’s my babies?”

“Think you’re cute, huh?”

“Well, you seem to think I am.” Taking her face in his hands, he joined his mouth to hers and slipped his tongue inside.

Then a pair of strong hands settled on her shoulders, while lips caressed her nape. “She thinks I’m cuter, don’t ya, baby cakes?”

“You’re both pretty darn cute, I guess.” Arien shrugged with a smirk.

“So, what do you wanna do after we see Victor, wifey? Anything special?”

He was doing another scan. Kellan and Tanner would get to see the babies today.

“Being we’ve got the house to ourselves.” Her smile sultry, she palmed his cheek. “I thought we’d just grab a quick lunch and come home.”

“Oh, yeah?” Kellan raised his brow, the pupils in his chocolate eyes dilating.


“I love that plan.” Tanner smacked a kiss to her lips.

“I love you.”

“We love you too, baby cakes.”

I know.

Her husbands raced up the stairs to get cleaned up.

And Arien picked up where she’d left off.

…And crazy can be a good thing. A wonderful, amazing, beautiful thing. I sure wouldn’t trade it. If I’ve learned anything at all this past year, it’s that dreams, like plans, can change—my grams told me that, and she was right. So now I can pat myself on the back, because I know I did just fine.

Better than fine.

She’d never have to chase after that feeling again.

Kellan and Tanner were her heart, and with them, she was home.

Matthew Brooks
