Page 20 of Maelstrom

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Katie rolled her eyes. She hated that. Being called ‘kiddo’ and someone hanging over her shoulder. She wasn’t sure what Kelly saw in Stacy. She acted like she was better than everyone, Kelly included, and was a first-class bitch. Not that Katie planned on sharing that opinion anytime soon. She did have to live with the woman.


“Now that you’re here and it’s slow, I’m gonna take off, ’kay?”

Ugh. ’kay.

Katie wrinkled up her nose. She hated that too. “Yeah, sure.”

“All right then.” Stacy patted her shoulder and she fucked up her snowman. “Kelly will be here in a few. Tell her not to wait up.”

Whatever. Byeeeee.

It was thirty minutes before Kelly showed up. “Where’s Stace?”


“Left about a half hour ago,” Katie informed her as she wiped down the counter where she’d been practicing her latte art. “Said don’t wait up.”

What Kelly’s reaction to that information was, Katie couldn’t see since her back was to her. She wondered, though.

“How’d your date go?” Katie turned around to see Kelly smirking. “Must have been pretty fucking good being you didn’t make it home until this morning.”

“I had a nice time.”

“Deets.” Kelly was tapping her foot with one hand on her hip and still smirking. “Did you have sex with him? Not that I’m cool with you having sex, but I guess I can’t stop you, can I? I remember when I was your age, so tell me if you are, because we need to get you on the Pill or something…”

Oh for fuck’s sake.

“…can’t have you getting pregnant on my watch. Your mother would never forgive me.”

“Take a breath, Kelly.” She rolled her eyes. “We didn’t have sex. I didn’t even see his dick, ’kay?”

“Ahem.” A male voice cleared his throat.

A very deep male voice.

Nope. Not turning around.

“Hey, Bren. Taylor.”

Katie kept wiping the already-clean counter while Kelly went to take his order, thankful he drank plain black coffee so she wouldn’t have to look at him.

“Give me that coffee with the foam. Make it strong. And I want a heart on it.”


“What do you want, Tay? I’m sure they have tea.”

She turned around and narrowed her eyes. Then they went wide when she saw who was standing there with him. Venery’s Taylor Kerrigan. Rocking a stroller instead of a guitar.

Kelly fucking giggled. “Katie can make you a matcha tea latte, then you can have a heart too.”

That green shit is worse than soy.

Katie bit her lip and started on their drinks. Brendan stood right there watching her work. She wouldn’t look at him but she could feel his eyes boring into her. Right in front of Kelly and the smirking rock star, he leaned down, kissed the spot below her ear, and breathed into it, “Hey, baby.”

She fucked up the heart on his latte and handed it to him without a word.
