Page 19 of Maelstrom

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God, why did he have to be so perfect, and at the same time not perfect at all? Katie liked him—she really did. What was there not to like? Tucked up together on his bed in the attic, they watched two movies. She fell asleep halfway through the second one and woke to fingers combing through her hair as the credits rolled on the television in the corner.

“Hey.” Cameron sweetly smiled down at her. “You want me to take you home?”

“No,” she whispered and shook her head.

Not yet. Katie had wanted him to kiss her, and gentleman that he was he hadn’t yet. Or maybe he didn’t want to? God, she hoped he wanted to because she really needed that other kiss wiped clean from her memory bank. Erased like it never happened. Gone.

The fingers that were in her hair reached around to grasp her nape. Cameron pulled Katie closer to him as he lowered his head and his lips touched hers. It was tentative at first, as if neither of them were certain what to do, which way to move. But then he gently caressed her mouth with his full soft lips. They were so warm. There weren’t any butterflies yet, but it did feel nice.

He lifted his head a fraction and whispered, “I’ve been wanting to do that since the first time I saw you.”

“Do it again.”

And he did.

This time when his lips touched hers, his tongue slipped inside and he held her closer. Tighter. Where his first kiss was tender and sweet, this one was urgent and demanding. And it was just what she needed. The pull in her belly was faint at first, but with every sweep of his tongue grew more intense. Insistent.

His hand swept underneath her sweater. Fingers trailed over her skin. A thumb brushed over her sensitive nipple through the lace. Involuntarily, with a whimper she arched into him. Cameron groaned and pulled his lips from hers. He gazed at her with his hazel eyes, the pupils blown so big they were almost completely black. His hand remained beneath her sweater, his fingers caressed her breast.

Out of breath, he panted, “I want you so bad.”

He wanted her.

Brendan didn’t.

But he’d given her a taste of what wanting felt like. She wanted to feel that again. Katie grasped the bottom of her sweater and pulled it over her head. Cameron fixed his gaze on the mounds of flesh heaving with every breath inside the white lace cups of the strapless bra she wore. His fingers reverently swept down across her skin and over the lace, then his gaze returned to hers.

He licked his lips and rasped, “Have you ever…”


“You’re still a virgin?”

Was that a bad thing?

She nodded.

Cameron dropped his face into the curve of her neck and nuzzled there. He kissed up the column of her throat until he reached her mouth. “I want to make you my girl, Katie. Only mine. In every way.” He kissed her lips and pressed his fingers into her jeans, against the pulse that beat between her thighs. “I don’t expect that to happen tonight, but I want to see you—all of you. To touch you.”

‘I’m touching you, Katelyn.’

Shut up, Brendan.

She bit her lip and nodded. “I want you to.”

Her body responded to his touch. That was biology. She knew that. After he rubbed the orgasm out of her, the ache left behind from the man she had hoped to forget remained. Maybe with enough time it would go away.

She stared at her phone now, and imagined Cam staring at his, waiting for her reply. The perfect boy whose only flaw was that he wasn’t someone else. She tapped out a text and sighed.

Do you really need butterflies?

Maybe not.

But she wanted them.

She held the metal pitcher of steamed milk intently in her hand as she carefully poured it into the thick espresso. Katie had the heart perfected, but the holidays were coming up and she’d been studying tutorials on YouTube for weeks. So while Beanie’s hit its Sunday afternoon slump, she practiced her technique on a snowman, a pumpkin, and a ghost.

“Lookin’ good, kiddo.” Her aunt’s girlfriend peered over her shoulder.
