Page 56 of Mike

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“So. Eat. And ask them over.”

“How can I eat this monstrosity in front of a man?”

“Easy. Watch.”

Tammy grasped her burger with both hands and shoved the thing in her face. When she pulled the juicy bun away, both of her cheeks were poofed out. Cassie couldn’t help it. She busted out in laughter.

“Like that.” Bits of mayo drooled down the side of Tammy’s lip.

“Don’t talk with your mouth full. You’re not going to outdo me.” Cassie grabbed her burger and did the same. Her mouth was so full she could barely chew. She took a gulp of beer to wash down her food and Tammy made a face. They busted out laughing again. Then, before she knew it, Tammy shouted across the packed room.

“Over here. Hey guys. Look. We’re over here.”

Thank God, the noise kept Mike and his friend from hearing her.

A few other guys turned in their direction. Cassie wanted to crawl under the table. “Stop that. People will think you’re an idiot.”

“You’re an idiot if you let that man get away.”

“You’re making a scene.”

“Huh?” Tammy followed Cassie’s gaze and noticed two men heading their way. “No. No. Not you.” She pointed and waved her finger. The confused expressions on the guys’ faces was priceless. Cassie busted out laughing again.

The waitress showed up with two more shots. “All right, ladies. Is this the limit?”

“Hell, no,” Tammy said and swiped up the glass. “Let’s have a toast.”

“You mean, the toast?” Cassie raised an eyebrow.

“Is there any other?” Tammy cleared her throat and waited for Cassie to pick up her shot. Together, they recited a poem from her college days.

“Here’s to you. Here’s to me. Friends we shall always be. But if we should ever disagree …” Tammy winked and they clinked glasses. “Fuck you. Here’s to me.”

Cassie tossed back the fiery liquid and shook her head as a warm shiver flowed down her chest and arms. Damn, that stuff tastes good.

“Well, I can honestly say I’ve never heard that one. You gals rock.” With a spin, the waitress went to the next table.

“We should give her a good tip,” Tammy said.


“What are you going to do about your fire guy?”

After the night she’d shared with Mike, she knew exactly what she’d like to do. But she was sloshed. And her friend was playing matchmaker.

“You think he wants a drunk?”

“You’re not drunk. Just happy.” Tammy nodded her head, reminding Cassie of a bobble-head.

She couldn’t help it. She laughed. “At least I’m a happy drunk.”

“At least there are two of them. They just got here, so they’ll probably stay for a while. That gives you time to make a glutton of yourself.”

For some reason, that seemed funny too. Cassie couldn’t remember the last time she’d laughed this much. She took a huge bite of her burger and closed her eyes. “Mmm mmm.” Rich beefy flavor smacked her taste buds. Tangy mustard blended with crunchy lettuce, spiking her senses. She chewed slowly and swallowed, savoring each zing. “Heaven.” She opened her eyes to take another bite and froze—with her mouth open.

Standing there with an indecent grin, Mike leaned against the wooden post connected to the back of Tammy’s seat, his eyes fastened on her.

“Heaven?” His voice rumbled in a sexy drawl.

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