Page 55 of Mike

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“Okay, ladies. What’ll you have?” True to her word, the waitress stood there ready to take their order.

“B52 Bombers,” Tammy said without hesitation. “And keep them coming.”

The waitress popped her gum and replied. “You got somebody to carry you outta here tonight?”

Cassie spoke up. “I’m the designated driver.”

“Oh, no you don’t,” Tammy quickly corrected. “You are joining me, shot for shot.”

“Oh, great. I can see the headlines now. Elementary teachers sprawled on the bar floor. And a snapshot I’d rather my students did not see.”

The waitress chuckled. “Don’t worry, girls. There’s always plenty of men willin’ to take a lady home.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of,” Cassie mumbled.

“Bring a couple of Ultra Lights, too,” Tammy added.

Cassie flung her hair over her shoulder. “If I carry you home, who’s going to carry me?”

“Didn’t you say we’re here to forget our woes? How else are we going to do that? I plan to drink my mind numb.” Tammy glanced around the dim room. “At least I won’t have to worry about running into my ex. He’s too good for this place.” A shadow of sorrow covered her face.

Cassie swallowed the worry she couldn’t express. Her friend had gotten a real shock today. How hateful could the man be? Threatening a custody suit. Those boys belonged with Tammy. She had taken care of them when Steve couldn’t keep his dick in his pants. This second marriage probably wouldn’t last, either.

“Okay. You talked me into it,” she said. What the hell. “We can call a cab.”

“’Atta girl.” Relief mingled with Tammy’s expression of joy.

The waitress returned in no time carrying beers and two small glasses of dark brown syrup. The grin on Tammy’s face matched the sparkle in her eyes. “Bottoms up.”

They were really going to do this. Oh, well. Cassie hadn’t been drunk since … college? She raised her glass. “Bottom’s up.”

Good thing she’d consumed it in one gulp, because the fire in her throat and belly would not allow her to do it again. “Oh … my … God,” she wheezed when she could get her breath. Tears threatened.

Tammy sucked in air as if she couldn’t get any. When they glanced at each other, they both broke into laughter. “Aren’t we a pair?”

Cassie grabbed her bottle of beer and gulped a large swallow. It helped. “Maybe we should sip the next one.”

“I agree.” Tammy giggled. “And get some food.”

By the time the food arrived, Cassie felt no pain. And Tammy had forgotten all about her ex. “Yum. Over the lips and straight to the hips. I’m going to enjoy every bite of this sinful burger.”

“Speaking of sinful, looked what just walked in the door.” Tammy gave a nod.

With her mouth full, Cassie turned and squinted, trying to decipher who … Her eyes flew wide.


“Am I mistaken or are there two of him?”

“If you’re seeing double, then so am I.” She recognized the guy with Mike as one of the firefighters that had been at the Mexican restaurant. Same height, a touch of gray at the temples, distinguished looking. Cassie chewed faster, watching them as they stopped at the bar.

“Invite them over,” Tammy urged.


“Close your mouth. You look like a deer caught in headlights. Ask them to join us.”

Cassie glanced at her burger. Her melt-in-your-mouth burger. “Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve had a burger this good? And fries?”

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