Page 57 of Mike

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Damn if he didn’t look like a dark angel.

Breathtakingly gorgeous. Tall—dark—the devil’s own sinful smile—delicious.

She was in soooo much trouble.

“Hi, Mike. Introduce your friend.” Tammy was staring at the man beside Mike.

“This is Shep. Shep, this is Tammy. And this”—he angled his beer at her—“is Cassie.”

The low hum of his voice sent shivers down her spine. But when their gazes locked, her breath caught in her throat and a slow burn hummed in her belly, one that had absolutely nothing to do with liquor. She barely heard his friend’s response.

“It’s a pleasure, ladies.”

Cassie looked scared to death. Had he made a mistake in coming over? She didn’t seem too happy to see him. Although, the dreamy look on her face, a moment ago, reminded him of the pleasure he’d given her the other night—a look of pure contentment, while her long slender legs had held him captive. Who would have guessed this elementary teacher could purr like a fine-tuned engine?

Damn. She’d jolted him. Then and now. Long blonde hair, gold lashes dusting her cheeks. Creamy skin as smooth as silk, all over. He willed his body to control the erection already forming.

“Hello Shep. You a big, strong firefighter, too?” Tammy asked with a hint of innuendo, which most likely had been prompted by the empty shot glass in front of her.

Quieter than the rest of their team, Shep kept to himself a lot. He certainly wasn’t a lady’s man like Jared. Mike had cautioned Shep about Tammy’s playfulness before they’d approached the girls’ table. By the ear-splitting grin on Shep’s face, he didn’t care. Interesting.

“Why, yes ma’am. I am.”

“Well, come on over here, fire-hero, and tell me all about yourself.”

Chuckling, Shep slipped into the booth beside Tammy. Mike stared at Cassie, waiting for an invitation. When she didn’t say a word, he motioned with his beer for her to slide over. She blinked as if coming out of a daze. Then she gave him a smile that melted his insides.

He slid into the booth beside her, intentionally brushing his thigh against hers, sending a bolt of heat straight to his gut. She felt it, too. Her heart shaped face jerked up and her tempting lips parted as a silent gasp escaped her sexy mouth. Mike swallowed hard. She had an absurd physical effect on him.

“When Mike mentioned coming to this place, I almost suggested another bar. At the time, it didn’t make a difference to me. Now, I’m glad we came here.”

“Is that so?” Tammy’s glassy eyes were glued on Shep. Mike half expected her to bat her eyelashes.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Please don’t call me ma’am.”

Half-teasing, half-serious, Shep replied in that low drawl of his. “My mother taught me manners.”

“I appreciate a boy that listens to his mama.”

Shep showed his pearly whites. “The evening had promised to be another boring one for me. Not so, now.”

“Really? How come?” she purred.

Mike watched the exchange with a bit of awe. Shep would never fall for such brazenness, but he probably thought Tammy was harmless. Whatever the reason, Shep played along. Mike had fun watching. It was all he could do not to laugh or stare with his mouth hanging open.

“Because we met you,” Shep answered.

“I have met you before,” Tammy said with a little pat to Shep’s arm. “Well, not actually met. But I remember you from El Puerto’s. The whole fire department showed up there.”

“We had training that week. Several County units gathered for drills and preparation exercises. Later that evening, we went out for some dinner and that’s when you saw us.”

“I’m glad you chose the Mexican restaurant.”

“One of my favorite places. So, you like Mexican food?”

“Oh yes. Cassie and I go there often. You men in your blue uniforms caused quite a stir.” Tammy leaned closer to him and Shep never moved. He just grinned as if he liked her attention.

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