Page 54 of Mike

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“I’ll have you know the women will be crawling all over me tonight.” Jared tugged at the collar of his shirt with flare.

“At Chippendales?” Mike asked, joining in the fun.

“Christ. Can’t a guy get a break. Not at. Because of.” Jared placed his hands on his hips, clearly aggravated. “Women flock to those shows. They drink, they get horny. All a guy has to do is wait. When the chicks hit the bars, they’re looking for any guy available.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Cooper snorted.

Jared made a show of looking at his watch. “It takes two hours to get there. I’m leaving now.”

“My shift ends at eight,” Cooper stated, rising to his feet. “Hang on. I’ll be your wingman.”

“I’m not waiting.”

“Come on, Jared. Give your groupie a break.”

Cooper glared at Laredo.

Mike thought he’d help the kid out. “Women won’t hit the bars until ten.”

“Yeah. Don’t the shows run about two hours? If it begins at eight—”

“By the time your shift ends, I’ll be casing out the best bars.”

Cooper took a step forward. “I can meet you in Roanoke. Just tell me where.”

It pained Mike to watch. The anxious expression on Coop’s face was pitiful.

Jared released a sigh that clearly indicated he’d given up. “All right. I guess I can wait.”

Mike’s shoulders shook as he tried not to laugh. Looked like the kid would be shadowing his idol.

Chapter 14

The Pitt Stop sign glowed above the brightly-lit building centered in the middle of a huge parking lot filled with cars. Cassie had been here a few times. The bar had great food, but was better known for music and dancing. By the time she followed Tammy to her house, waited while she changed and then drove home to get ready, darkness had settled. The news that Tammy’s ex wanted custody had thrown them both for a loop. They needed a night out. Cassie decided to be the designated driver and if her friend needed to get roaring drunk, so be it.

A young couple hurried up the steps and bolted inside, letting the door slam behind them. Manners were a thing of the past.

“Prick,” Tammy muttered.

“Look at the bright side.” Cassie opened the door and aimed for an ear-splitting grin. “You don’t have to say thank you.”

“I like the way you think.” Tammy winked and marched through the doorway.

Loud voices and laughter greeted them. A country “somebody-done-somebody-wrong-song” blared from the jute-box. Most of the tables were already full. One waitress sauntered over with a tray balanced above her head. “Hey, ladies. There’s a booth back on that wall.”

“Thanks,” Tammy said. “Are you our waitress, ’cause I’m ready to order a drink.”

The girl laughed. “Gotta be a man. Sure. I’ll be right there.”

Cassie swerved her way around bodies, following Tammy, and slid into the empty booth. “Thank God it’s Friday.”

“Do you think Jennifer will keep the boys overnight?”

“I already asked her. She’s got this big ta-do planned. Movie night, where the boys can dress the part. Ninja Turtle. She even has costumes for them. They’ll love it.”

“That’s really great of her. She likes kids. Why doesn’t she like you?”

“I stole her glory of being an only child.” Cassie shook herself. “We’re here to forget our woes.”

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