Page 53 of Mike

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“I saw your insecurity,” Tammy continued as she stepped back. “I saw you slink into your protective cloak of armor.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I know you,” Tammy said leaning closer. “I saw all sorts of questions running through your mind. You questioned his motives. If he really thought you were pretty. Why would he pick you?”

Cassie felt her face flame.

“Am I wrong?”

No. You’re not wrong.

Cassie being four years younger than her sister had been a lot like growing up alone. She was never allowed to go anywhere with Jennifer. When her friends came over, Jennifer would tell Cassie to get lost. The constant rejection and derogatory remarks had left some pretty deep scars

“I’m not beautiful and I hate when men tell me I am,” Cassie declared. “They only say things they think I want to hear because of my big boobs.”

But Mike had been different.

Clearly frustrated, Tammy flung her arms about. “My God, Cassie. What do you see when you look in the mirror? You’re a knock-out. Men tell you that because it’s true!”

“Stop. You have no reason to flatter me. I’m already your friend.” Cassie tried joking. She couldn’t believe the nonsense Tammy spouted. But she wanted to believe Mike liked her looks. After all, he’d seen every part of her body.

“I give up,” Tammy said as she whirled around. “Your sister has done her work. Or those high school boys, college guys, whatever idiots ridiculed you.”

Yep, they did. All of them. And what did she know?

Only what her sister had told her.

When Cassie left home, she’d learned from experience that guys’ brains were controlled by their dicks. She’d been so stupid. At the age of eighteen, she’d quickly discovered just how little she did know. But she’d learned. The hard way. Life had taught harsh lessons.

All guys wanted sex. If the woman was willing, plain or pretty, a man scored. Cassie had allowed herself to believe they cared. A quick roll in the hay did not mean adoration or devotion. Cassie had been seduced. Like so many others, she’d fallen for a college boy’s charms. She’d felt love and then heartbreak. But she could not deny the passion. Or the fierce longing right up until the guy was done with her. Then all she’d felt was empty and unfulfilled.

She put a halt on her wandering emotions before they could rein free, and forced her mind back to the situation at hand.

“You’ve got a sitter for the evening. I think we both could use a drink.”

Tammy crossed her arms over her chest. “What do you have in mind?”

Cassie gestured to the floor. “First, we’re going to clean up these papers. Then we’re getting you out of here.”


Jared wore a button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled to his forearms. His cologne told the entire team he had a date. Jared never wore the scent to work. By the smile lifting the corners of his mouth, Jared’s date must be a hottie.

“What are you doing here? Don’t you have a date?” Mike asked.

“Who said I had a date?”

Mike gave an exaggerated sniff. “Did you get all sweet smelling for us?”

“Nope. I’m headed over to Roanoke coliseum. Chippendales are performing tonight.”

Cooper hooted. “You got off early, flying solo, to go see the Chippendales?”

“Pretty Boy couldn’t score a date? Come on man. The Chippendales are dudes!”

“Very funny, Laredo.”

“Your idol has lost his chinga’ mind, Coop.”

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