Page 28 of Mike

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“Right.” He heard the disappointment in her voice. The unease.

Even though her actions had been predictable, it hurt more than it should. He’d just been jerked back to reality. She’d be pissed because they were interrupted. Because he had to leave. Why should he expect anything else?

This is my life, Darlin’.

“Duty calls.” He shrugged and spun around.

Her small hand clasped his upper arm. “Mike?”

He didn’t want to turn back and see fear in her eyes. Or worse, rejection. He bit the bullet and faced her.

“Be careful.” And then she smiled.

Smiled. Confusion danced in his brain.

“You know where I live now. So don’t be a stranger.” Her eyes danced and her sensual mouth curved into a teasing pout.

Hell yeah. He’d be back. If she could accept his occupation without hang-ups. It was bound to happen. Until then … he’d return again, and again.

“I’ll call you,” he heard himself say.

And he would.

Chapter 8

Cassie drew air into her lungs until they were near to bursting and then let it all out in one gigantic sigh.

Last night, she’d exercised muscles she hadn’t used in years. Maybe ever. Sad commentary on the state of her life. No wonder she’d had the best experience ever. With a man she wasn’t even sure liked her very much.

Oh, yeah. Mike loved sex—he’d made that pretty obvious. He’d blown her ever lovin’ mind. This morning, her body felt truly loved and exhausted. A giving lover, he’d touched her in all the right places and made her squirm to the very edge of oblivion. Oh, how she wanted to go there again.

How had she been so lucky to attract a guy like that? Sure, the man was sexy, but his caring touch was what charmed her. His arms had wrapped her in a haven of warmth, making her crave more of this tantalizing man.

Last night he’d saved a woman from burning in her car. Then acted like it was no big deal. A true hero. He didn’t like the title or the attention it brought. That told her everything she needed to know.

She placed the last cup in the dishwasher just as the doorbell rang. She grabbed a towel and dried her hands on the way to open the door.

“Hi.” Tammy held up her hand and jingled a set of keys.

“Hi. Come on in.” Cassie left the door open and turned to go back to the kitchen, expecting her friend to follow.

“Is he gone already? I didn’t see a truck outside,” Tammy said as she closed the door.

“What truck?”

Tammy braced a hand on each of her plump hips. “The one you drove off in last night, genius. Or did something happen to wipe out your memory? Mine is just fine.”

“You don’t have to glare at me.” Cassie spun around and strode through the living room. “Yes. He’s gone.”

Hot on her heels, Tammy’s shoes smacked on the hardwood floor. “Did he stay all night? What happened? I’m dying to know.”

“Gee. It took you all of, what, thirty seconds?” Cassie made a point of glancing at her arm where her watch should be. She hadn’t put it on yet this morning. “Want some coffee?”

“Better put on a new pot. Unless I’m wrong, this conversation may take some time.” Tammy pulled out a chair and plopped down. She placed her elbows on the table and rested her head in her hands while her expression said, I’m waiting.

Cassie couldn’t keep from smiling, at her friend and at the remembered experience of last night. Wow. She’d probably trip over her tongue trying to apprise Tammy about her evening, without divulging details, of course. She poured water into the carafe, scooped the coffee and pushed a button.

“Quit stalling,” Tammy scoffed. “Begin when you drove off in the hero’s truck.”

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