Page 27 of Mike

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For some relatives, the occupation predestined doom. The danger, the threat, the waiting for your man to come home … Women couldn’t handle the pressure long term. He better well remember that.

“Got another cup?”

Deep in his musing, he hadn’t heard Cassie slip into the kitchen. A whistle died behind his teeth. Blonde hair mussed, eyes bright as the morning sun, she gave him a smile that made him want to take her right back to bed.

Wearing a T-shirt that hung midway on her shapely, bare legs, she leaned her shoulder against the door frame. One knee bent and the toes of her foot curled on the instep of her opposite foot while she shot him a sultry smile. Damn, the woman was hot. Provocative. She had the sexiest legs and last night they’d been wrapped around him.

His shaft thickened.

He’d never done the morning after, so he hesitated on what to do. His first instinct—nail her to the door frame. The more rational side reminded him this was new and he didn’t want to scare her away.

“Sure thing,” he said and opened a cabinet door to retrieve another mug. After pouring coffee into the cup, he counted to five before turning to face the intoxicating creature again. Being on edge was alien to him. And damn irritating. He wasn’t a player like Jared, but he’d never experienced this kind of agitation over a female.

She finger-combed her long thick hair, drawing his gaze to her neck. The sudden urge to kiss that tantalizing spot behind her ear kicked him in the gut. Remembering how soft her skin had felt against his lips last night, he thought he might die if he didn’t make love to her again. Now.


He blinked. “Uh, cream? Sugar?”

“Maybe a dab of milk. I’ll get it.”

She opened the fridge and he hoped she would bend over so he could see if she wore anything underneath that skimpy shirt. His tongue swelled in his suddenly dry mouth. She grabbed the carton, poured some milk into her cup, and placed the container on the counter. Then, she lifted her mug and blew at the top.


“I need my morning coffee to make me feel human again.”

“Lady. After last night, I know exactly how you feel. I could use several evocative adjectives …”

Her cheeks flushed red. He’d not meant to embarrass her, but the words were out of his mouth before he knew it. His voice had been gruff. It was a wonder he could speak at all with lust crowding his mind.

If anything, Cassie grew bolder. She sipped her coffee and stared at him, inviting him with her eyes.

He waited. Her move.

“Okay, handsome. I’m all ears.”

He gave a slow perusal down her body and back up again. She electrified him and stroked his ego. He took a step forward. “Perhaps I could demonstrate.”

She drew in a quick breath. Her reaction to his nearness pleased him, and he hadn’t even touched her—yet. Grasping a lock of her honey hair, he inhaled, then curled it around his finger. Smooth like silk. He stared into her turquoise eyes and stroked one finger down the side of her face. He sketched a path over her chin, tracing the vein in her neck, feeling her pulse speed up. Her eyes blazed with heat, latched onto his as he drew one finger across her collarbone. Her chest rose in apparent anticipation. He slid a hand to the plumpness of her breast and palmed the nipple through her shirt. Her eyes fluttered closed. The breath hissed from her lungs.

“Soft,” he murmured. “So soft.”

She slumped against the counter. He slid his arm around her waist and brought her body flush against his chest. His chin resting on her head, he whispered, “Shall I go further?”

Cassie lifted her arms around his neck. “Please, Mike. Yes.”

His lips crushed hers, giving her the mother of all kisses. Open mouth, and lots of tongue. She gave back, lick for lick. When neither one could breathe, he broke the kiss and swept her into his arms.

Beep. Beep.

Damn it.

He gently lowered Cassie to the floor. He shook his head, amazed at how fast he’d succumbed to desire. With a flare of frustration, he grabbed his phone. “Yes. What’s up? Right. Thirty minutes tops.”

He shoved his phone in his pants pocket and glanced up, knowing what he’d find. The heat in her eyes had turned to concern.

“Bad timing,” he grumbled.

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