Page 29 of Mike

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Cassie remembered Mike’s reaction. “I don’t think he likes being called a hero. From what I can see, he thinks he’s doing his job and that’s that.”

“Did you have sex or did you psychoanalyze him while he relaxed on your couch?”

“We talked.”

“With a hunk like him, yeah, I believe you.” Tammy waved her hand, obviously not buying it for one minute.

Tammy was one of a kind. A person who would do anything in the world for you. They didn’t come any nicer. The first time they’d met, Tammy had treated her like they’d known each other forever and they’d remained good friends ever since. If she meddled, it was from the goodness of her heart.

“He got burned last night,” Cassie inwardly cringed, remembering the raw skin.

Tammy straightened and her face grew serious. “How bad was it? Is he okay?”

“It wasn’t very big, but still a burn, and a cut.” She collapsed into the same chair she’d sat in last night. “I cleaned it. He refused to see a doctor. I hope he gets it checked today.”

“When I saw him on top of that car—admittedly we didn’t know then it was Mike—I thought the car was going to explode.” Tammy’s eyes grew big as she gestured with her hands. “You know. Like on TV. Then when he fell, I thought he was a goner.”

The image flashed in Cassie’s mind and fear lanced her chest as fresh as when she’d seen him fall—jump.

“I remember now,” Tammy said. “Jared said he refused to go to the hospital when we met him at the rescue squad.”

“That’s why I brought Mike home with me.”

“One reason, anyway.” Tammy’s hand covered hers. “He’s okay now, right?”

He’s more than okay. He’s dynamite. Pure adrenaline. Toxic.

Tammy arched her eyebrow. “By the dreamy look on your face, he must be. Now get to the hot and panting part.” She leaned back and crossed her arms.

“He’s hot. As in very.” Cassie couldn’t help teasing, but her words came out breathless.

“No. No. Start at the beginning.” Tammy waved her hand again, a habit of hers. “When you pulled in your driveway will work. Unless something happened before you got home.”

Scooting to the edge of her chair, Cassie remembered how the sight of his sculpted chest had taken her breath. How her fingers had itched and begged to touch. How her pulse had leaped with excitement and the urge to jump his bones had pierced her chest. Then the dread when she’d seen the burn and torn skin.

“His shirt was stuck to his burn, so I had to soak the material. But it wasn’t too bad. Not once did he complain, and he looked”—she took a breath—“damn good sitting there with his shirt hanging open.”

“Probably tasted good, too.” Tammy rose and headed for the coffee pot.

Yeah, Cassie breathed out a sigh.

“Like I said, I put on a bandage and offered him my shower.” Heat flushed her face. She wasn’t ready to admit sneaking into the guest room and almost into the shower with Mike. If Tammy had been paying attention instead of pouring coffee, she would have dragged it out of her.

“You offered him your shower?” Tammy mumbled incredulously as she slid Cassie’s coffee toward her. “A man like that? I would have joined him.”

After last night, Cassie thought she still might get the chance.

“Mike came out in a towel.”

Tammy clanked her mug on the table. “Good Lord.” She fell into her chair, her breath caught as if the wind had been knocked out of her. Tammy rarely shut up. Seeing her mouth hang open and no words coming out was completely out of character.

“All wind and no sail?” Cassie teased.

“I would have loved to have seen that. A girl can dream. And if she doesn’t get any action, she uses her imagination. But now I don’t have to. Give.”

Cassie made her wait while taking a sip of the fresh coffee. She really should show some pity and put Tammy out of her snooping misery.

“All muscles, wet spiky hair, a day’s growth of beard—add lifesaving in the mix, and you’ve got one whopping man.”

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