Page 39 of Devil's Savior

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Lucifer clears his throat, sorrow lining his words, “It was clear she hadn’t only been using, but was also sexually active. She was underage and we all know she couldn’t have really consented while being strung out.”

Fists clench and men shift in the room around me. We’re barely contained, and our Prez knows it. He looks me in the eyes and then meets Scythe’s gaze. “We need to come up with a plan. We can’t let any more children be hurt. We’re going to put an end to it. Tonight.”


Even though I’m more than willing to go and take care of a problem that has tarnished far too many lives already, the knowledge that I won’t be able to see Sioux tonight is a weight on my shoulders that is almost too much to bear.

But she would want me to do my job and help the lost souls who have been ensnared and used by the RRMC. That’s the thought that has me squaring my shoulders as determination fills me. I might be able to see my woman tonight, but the next time I see her I’ll be able to look her in the eyes and know I helped people who needed us to be there for them.

Now, to come up with a plan and make the RRMC pay for the way they have marred our city.



My brothers are tense around me, but my body feels loose and ready to do what is needed to be done. My mind is clear, and my senses are sharper. With every person I’ve seen walking into the dilapidated house that the RRMC is using for its brothel, everything gets clearer.

I understand why my brothers are tense, but I trust the plan we’ve laid out and I’m more than ready to start to make right what has been happening right under our noses. We should have stepped in sooner, but we can’t take away the free will of those who live around us.

If grown women wanted to get hooked on some bad fucking drugs and sell their bodies, that’s their choice. But it’s not just grown women.

Remembering the photo Lucifer showed us of the fourteen-year-old girl who overdosed has my eyes clouding over with a red haze for a moment. I have to fight against the need to storm inside and start ripping apart the pieces of shit who are more than happy to pay Hustle and his fucked-up club for the opportunity to defile an underage child who is so strung out that they don’t know which way is up.

The evidence of it is right in front of us, and it makes me sick just as much as it makes my resolve to rain hellfire down on these bastards stronger.

We’re just waiting for the signal at this point. We sent Adam inside to get the lay of the land because pulling blueprints of a building doesn’t tell us the entire story. Adam wasn’t a Prospect for us when we dealt with the RRMC under Anarchy’s leadership and, hopefully, they haven’t been keeping a close eye on us. I doubt they have been because they would have needed resources for that to happen.

Resources they clearly don’t have.

Scythe is on the backside of the house backing Lucifer up. They have the best vantage point for the back windows which is where Adam is supposed to signal from after sending Prez a text if there are any surprises inside.

Just because I’m calmer than my club brothers doesn’t mean I’m not seething. I am. Not only has the RRMC been fucking with the balance of our city, but this whole mess is causing me to miss time with my woman.

I’m not even sure which I’m more pissed off about at this point.

When I called Sioux this afternoon, knowing she’d be out of work and on her way home, her voice was bright and carefree when she answered, “Hi Crosby, miss me that much you needed to call me instead of seeing me soon?”

My heart sank because I knew I was going to disappoint her. I hated it, but knew it was necessary. The silence stretched between us as words froze in my throat. The thought of upsetting her and losing the progress we had worked so hard for had me unsure of what to say.

It was a feeling I didn’t have a lot of experience with, and it was fucking with my head.

Sioux sighed, the sound heavy and full of remorse. “You have club business to take care of, don’t you?” There wasn’t any judgement in her tone, but there was disappointment, and it was enough to send my thoughts spiraling.

I couldn’t lose her. Not again.

Resentment took hold in my chest and squeezed my lungs. For a split second I resented the club, which I had never felt before. The feeling cleared just as quickly because if it weren’t for the DSMC then I might have never met Sioux to begin with.

I cleared my throat, but my voice was still gruff and thick, “I’m sorry, Firefly. I was looking forward to spending the night with you. But,” I started, but never got to finish my sentence.

“Is it important?” Sioux’s question brought me up short and I debated what to say and how much to share. “I know you guys don’t always follow the law, but I also know you are good men who do good work. That’s why I’m asking.”

“It’s very important,” I admitted. I hesitated for a moment because I didn’t want to bring up the club whose former Prez shot her without a second thought. “The Rolling Rebels have been making waves and putting people in danger. Kids,” I choked the word out and I swear I could feel my woman’s anger through the phone.

“Then go and take care of it,” her voice was as hard as steel, but I knew in my gut it wasn’t directed at me. Her voice softened, “Then come home to me and let me wash away your sins.”

My heart fucking soared while my cock thickened behind the fly of my jeans. It was disorienting and it made my vision swim while my head felt dizzy.

“Sioux,” I rasped. There was so much I wanted to say, but the words were lodged in my throat.

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