Page 38 of Devil's Savior

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After Scope was patched, the last one out of the three, they all went after their woman. When they brought her back and we saw that she was pregnant, it was clear why she left. I could have punched my newly patched-in brothers because she should have never doubted their plans for her. Her leaving, with their child, screamed that she wasn’t sure what their future together held.

It’s all good now and Heather settled into her role as old lady with ease except for some friction between her and the angels. Becoming an old lady is something a lot of angels, both past and present, think is going to happen to them. The fact is it never happens.

Heather is an exception.

I’m damn glad she’s happy and glowing. If she weren’t then I would have to kick my brother’s asses. Since Bedlam works at Sinner’s Construction, I would start with him and then work my way down the list.

When I turn to head toward Lucifer’s office I almost slam into Connie, one of the angels. I’ve made myself clear to her many times that I’m off the market. Still, whenever I’m alone she tries to talk and flirt with me.

I’m fucking over it.

“I’m busy, Connie,” I grit out through my teeth, trying to keep my shit under control.

She reaches toward me, but I step to the side, evading her hand and making her pout. “You look so tense, Apostle,” she purrs.

Logically I know she’s trying to sound seductive, but it’s not working on me. All her actions do is fill me with disgust.

I might have been willing to blow off some steam with her in the past, but that was before Sioux walked into my life. Now the only woman I long to touch or hold is my woman.

And I would never do anything to betray Sioux’s trust. It’s already fragile enough; she just started giving me a chance.

Some pussy is not worth throwing that away for.

“I will not continue to repeat myself to you Connie. You best remember what happened to Brandi when she tried to start shit between a brother and his old lady,” the warning is clear in my voice.

Connie pales slightly and I know I’ve hit the mark. The threat has so many layers to it and I could be referring to any of them.

Brandi was kicked out of the DSMC and banned. Permanently. Not only that, but her choices both while with us and then after she was gone led to her death.

While I won’t put a hand on a woman in anger, there are people out there who will. The RRMC is proof of that.

“Respect what you have here and don’t approach me again to flirt or offer yourself. I’m not interested,” there’s a finality in my words.

From the look on Connie’s face, the reality of what I’m saying seems to be sinking in. Fucking finally.

I ignore her and the tears in her eyes as I walk around her and head toward Lucifer’s office. I sure as fuck don’t look back over my shoulder at her.

She better not start some shit with Heather either. That’ll get her ass thrown out immediately. Heather’s men won’t stand for it, and neither would the rest of us and that is not only because she’s carrying the next generation of the DSMC in her belly.

When I get to Lucifer’s office, the door is open, and I walk in to find everyone waiting for me. Again.

“Sorry,” I offer up an apology this time because I can feel Lucifer’s fury even though it’s not directed at me, “I was all the way across the city on site.”

Lucifer nods in my direction before pointing to the door. I close us inside the room and lean back against the wall before cracking the water bottle open and drinking down half of it. My shirt is clinging to my back underneath my cut and it’s not even summer yet.

Our Prez scrubs a hand down his face while closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. When he opens his eyes and regards us, there is exhausted wariness in his gaze as well as a fury that has me itching to shed blood.

“My contact with the force reached out to me not long ago,” he begins.

We all nod, knowing that Lucifer has eyes throughout the city, including those who serve the city by wearing a badge. There are a lot of people on the force who see us only as dirty bikers who stir up trouble, but there are others who know about the good we do and aren’t afraid of us. They also know that we don’t have the same red tape to go through that they do when something needs to be dealt with.

“They found a body this morning. A fourteen-year-old girl who died of an overdose.”

I hold my breath, knowing that Lucifer isn’t done giving us the bad news. I’m not the only one who does either. As Lucifer takes another deep breath, the tension mounts as the seconds tick by.

“When he sent me her picture, I recognized her as someone who the RRMC had gotten hooked, before putting her in their brothel,” he spits out the word like the evil that it is.

I want to roar out my anger. A fourteen-year-old. Fucking hell.

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