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“I get it,” he says. “I want nothing to jeopardize your success, either. I just wanted to make sure you had a friendly face with you when you went in.”

I smile and kiss him on the cheek.

“Thank you,” I say. “But I’m sure I’ll be fine. I can’t wait to start this new job and prove myself.”

He steps back and gives me a warm smile.

“Good luck,” he says. “I know you’ll do great.”

I open his apartment door and let it shut behind him, hoping he didn’t take that personally. The ride over to the building is quiet, but my heart is racing. I can’t fuck this up because this is the type of job that can change my life. The amount of money I can make here just from bonuses is unreal. When my car slides into a parking spot, I turn it off and then my hands grip the steering wheel. You can do this. Walk in with your head up like you were born for this job.

I open my car door, grab my briefcase, and smile. I got this! Standing in the parking lot of Ravenwood Marketing gives me excitement and apprehension as I prepare to enter as its new Marketing Manager.

My chest rises and falls as I reach for the door handle, determined to make this day a success.

The door to Ravenwood opens and I step into my new world. The energy is buzzing down here, but I’m determined to make a good impression. I walk with confidence to the elevator to take me up to my floor, and some others join me. They are wondering who I am, but when we step off together, they stop and watch me walk away.

I enter the lobby and a receptionist greets me.

“Morning! Welcome to Ravenwood Marketing,” she says.

The lobby is modern, with sleek furniture and bright colors. Friday got little accomplished and I have a full itinerary for today.

My champagne-colored shoes echo in the grand foyer, the sound reverberating off the walls of polished marble. I place my hand on the door holding my name, taking a moment to appreciate the sheer size and beauty of my workspace, before pushing it open.

The office is absolutely breathtaking, showcasing floor-to-ceiling windows that perfectly capture the ever-changing cityscape. During the day, the windows emit a soft golden glow, but I am excited to see its beauty at night.

The suite is decorated in a cream and gold color palette, with a subtle but unmistakable air of power and class. The room hums with the energy of ambition, success, and potential. A grand chandelier hung from the ceiling, while crystal pendant lights illuminate the shelves, ready to be filled with books and accolades.

A large mahogany desk stands at the center, complemented by a set of leather chairs and a plush sofa, all maximized the view of the city beyond.

On the opposite side of the room is a mini-bar, complete with a selection of rare wines, spirits, and champagne. They must expect me to have clients here. Or is it normal for people to drink at work? Interesting.

My employees are in their cubicles outside my office, and for some reason there is a need to introduce myself. If I am going to do a good job here, my employees need to be able to come to me. So, being present and approachable is important.

I step out of my office into the foyer and scan the room. It looks like most of them are already at their desks, starting their day. After clearing my throat, I address them.

“Morning everyone,” I say with a confident voice. “My name is Lily Stevens and I’m the new Marketing Manager here at Ravenwood. I’m so excited to work with all of you, and I’m looking forward to what we can accomplish together.”

The employees exchange glances, a few of them looking apprehensive. I don’t blame them - I’m sure they’re wondering what kind of boss I’m going to be.

“I know it’s my first day, but let me say that I will not watch over your shoulder. We are all adults here and as long as you do your job, then we will get along successfully.”

The employees nod, relieved that I will not be a micromanager.

For the rest of the day, I get to know the employees, outlining my expectations and introducing them to the new marketing strategy I will be implementing. They seem receptive to my ideas and I’m relieved that I’m making a good first impression.

I bid farewell to the office and head home, feeling energized and invigorated. I’m proud of myself for taking the risk of entering a new role, and I’m eager to see what the future holds.

When I arrive at Adler’s apartment, I find him waiting for me with a warm smile and a hug. I tell him all about my first day and he listens intently, proud of me and excited about what’s coming.

“I’m so proud of you,” he says. “You’re doing wonderful things.”

I smile and take his hand, grateful for his support.

“Thank you,” I say.

He leans in and kisses me, and I know that with his support and my own hard work, I’m ready to take on whatever challenges Ravenwood Marketing may bring.

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